eLivermore.com - By Bill Nale


eLivermore.com Community Calendar
November 2018

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Colors:  Livermore - Pleasanton - Dublin - Bankhead Theater - Other or multiple

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Continuous Events
Lvr History Center
Pls Museum


Sun: rise -- set
Moon: rise -- set

See Notes on Sun / Moon

All Saint's Day
07:32 -- 18:08
00:51 -- 15:03


07:33 -- 18:07
01:59 -- 15:42

Hula Festival
     3:00pm to 10:00pm

Jim Messina

07:35 -- 18:06
03:07 -- 16:18

Pls Farmers Market
     9:00 to 1:00 

Lions Club Holiday Boutique
   at the Bothwell

     9:00am to 5:00pm

Hula Festival
     10:00am to 6:00pm

Paws in Need Holiday Boutique
     10:00am to 4:00pm

     11:00am to 2:00pm

Guys and Dolls
   Tri-Valley Rep


4   Daylight Savings Time Ends
06:36 -- 17:05
03:14 -- 15:51

Lvr Farmers Market
     10:00 to 2:00pm

Hula Festival
     10:00am to 6:00pm

Guys and Dolls
   Tri-Valley Rep



06:37 -- 17:04
04:20 -- 16:24


6    Election Day
06:38 -- 17:03
05:26 -- 16:58


7  New Moon
06:39 -- 17:02
06:30 -- 17:33


06:40 -- 17:01
07:34 -- 18:10

Estas Tonne: The Breath of
   Sound World Tour


06:41 -- 17:01
08:35 -- 18:51

Guys and Dolls
   Tri-Valley Rep


06:42 -- 17:00
09:33 -- 19:36

GoodGuys Autumn
     8:00am to 5:00pm

Race to the Flagpole

Pls Farmers Market
     9:00 to 1:00 

Guys and Dolls
   Tri-Valley Rep


11  Veterans Day
06:43 -- 16:59
10:26 -- 20:24

GoodGuys Autumn
     8:00am to 4:00pm

Lvr Farmers Market
     10:00 to 2:00pm

Ravenswood Tours
     12:00 to 4:00pm

Chris Perondi's Stunt
   Dog Experience

     2:00pm and 6:00pm

Guys and Dolls
   Tri-Valley Rep



06:44 -- 16:58
11:15 -- 21:16


06:45 -- 16:57
11:59 -- 22:10


06:46 -- 16:57
12:38 -- 23:05


15  Moon 1st Qtr
06:47 -- 16:56
13:13 -- xx:xx

Andy Weir
   Rae Dorough Speaker Series 


06:48 -- 16:55
13:45 -- 00:01

Larry Gatlin & the Gatlin Brothers

Guys and Dolls
   Tri-Valley Rep


06:49 -- 16:55
14:15 -- 00:58

Earlier than the Bird
     7:00am to 10:00am

Holiday Art Fair
   Earlier than the Bird

     7:00am to 11:00am

Pls Farmers Market
     9:00 to 1:00 

Crossroads Doll & Teddy Bears Show
     10:00 to 3:00 (9-10 Early Bird)

Spirit & Sweater Stroll
     6:00pm to 8:00pm

6th Floor Project

Guys and Dolls
   Tri-Valley Rep


06:50 -- 16:54
14:45 -- 01:56

Lvr Farmers Market
     10:00 to 2:00pm

Guys and Dolls
   Tri-Valley Rep



06:51 -- 16:53
15:15 -- 02:56


06:53 -- 16:53
15:46 -- 03:57


06:54 -- 16:52
16:20 -- 05:00


22  Full Moon
  Thanksgiving Day
06:55 -- 16:52
16:58 -- 06:06


06:56 -- 16:51
17:42 -- 07:14

Niles Canyon Train of Lights
   4:30 (Niles)  7:30 (Sunol)  

Lantern Light Festival
     5:00pm to 11:00pm


06:57 -- 16:51
18:33 -- 08:21

Pls Farmers Market
     9:00 to 1:00 

Niles Canyon Train of Lights
   4:30 (Niles)  7:30 (Sunol)  

Lantern Light Festival
     5:00pm to 11:00pm

06:58 -- 16:50
19:31 -- 09:26

Lvr Farmers Market
     10:00 to 2:00pm

Lantern Light Festival
     5:00pm to 10:00pm

Ravenswood Tours
     12:00 to 4:00pm

Pleasanton Community Concert
   Band Winter Concert


Handel: The Messiah

Niles Canyon Train of Lights
   4:30 (Niles)  7:30 (Sunol)  


06:59 -- 16:50
20:35 -- 10:26


07:00 -- 16:50
21:42 -- 11:19

COI: Holiday Shorts 2018
   A Long Winter's Tale


07:01 -- 16:49
22:51 -- 12:05

Niles Canyon Train of Lights
   4:30 (Niles)  7:30 (Sunol)  

Meet Me in St. Louis
   Family Film Series


29  Moon Last Qtr
07:02 -- 16:49
23:59 -- 12:45

Lantern Light Festival
     5:00pm to 10:00pm

COI: Holiday Shorts 2018
   A Long Winter's Tale


07:03 -- 16:49
xx:xx -- 13:21

Niles Canyon Train of Lights
   4:30 (Niles)  7:30 (Sunol)  

Lantern Light Festival
     5:00pm to 11:00pm

COI: Holiday Shorts 2018
   A Long Winter's Tale


Sing it Yourself Messiah
   Valley Concert Chorale



Other Months
January 2018 February 2018 March 2018 April 2018 May 2018 June 2018
July 2018 August 2018 September 2018 October 2018 November 2018 December 2018
January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 May 2019 June 2019
Other Calendar Information
Main Calendar Page School Calendars:  2018-2019 Holiday Dates & Descriptions
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The information on this calendar was obtained from many sources, and many organizations.  Every attempt is made to provide accurate information.  Organizations sometimes make changes, and I am not always informed.  Please follow the "More Info" links to check for updates from the sponsoring organization.  If you find errors, please email webservant@eLivermore.com.

Novmeber 2018 Details

The details for the following reoccurring events are on a separate page, common to all calendar months.  This saves download time.  Click the item for the details.
Livermore History Center Highway Garage Open
Museum on Main St  
Pleasanton Farmer's Market Ravenswood Docent Tours
Niles Canyon Railway Livermore Amateur Radio Klub Meeting


Jim Messina

At the Bankhead Theater


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Nov 2



Jim Messina
Jim Messina’s musical legacy spans five decades, three acclaimed super-groups, a vibrant solo career, and major contributions as a producer. From Buffalo Springfield and Poco, to the best-selling duo of Loggins and Messina, wherever his music is going, it’s a journey well worth taking.
Sponsor: Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center
Location:  Bankhead Theater - LVPAC web site - eLivermore Bankhead Theater page
Times:  8:00pm
Admission:  $70/$60/$40
Tickets:  Bankhead Theater Box Office info  -  LVPAC Online Ordering page
More info: Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center  -  eLivermore.com theater page


Hula Festival

At the Fairgrounds



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Nov 2-4


Hula Festival
Come join us for the 38th Annual Iā ʼOe E Ka Lā Hula Competition & Festival at the Alameda County Fairgrounds. The Iā ʻOe E Ka Lā Hula Competition & Festival is the oldest hula competition held outside of the State of Hawai'i. It attracts over 8,000 visitors annually and celebrates Hawaiian culture and traditions through solo and group hula competition, arts and crafts, and food. For more information please visit www.kumuhulaassociation.com

Sponsor: Kumu Hula Association of Northern Calif.
Location:  Alameda County Fairgrounds, Pleasanton
Times:  Fri: 3:00pm to 10:00pm;  Sat: 10:00am to 6:00pm;  Sun 10:00am to 6:00pm
Admission:  Previous year info:  Adults $15.00; Child 5 and under Free; Seniors $13.00 (65 and over).  3-day pass $30.00 pre-sale only.     Parking $10.00
More info:   https://www.kumuhulaassociation.com/    or Fairgrounds web site
Lions Club Holiday Boutique at the Bothwell




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Nov 3




Lions Club Holiday Boutique at the Bothwell
The Bothwell is filled for the day with unique art and fine handcrafts. Come be a part of this day filled with holiday cheer.
Sponsor: Lions Club
Location:  Bothwell Arts Center.  2466 8th St., Livermore
Times:  9:00am to 5:00pm
Admission: Free.  Items for sale
More info: Bothwell Arts Center

Paws in Need Holiday Boutique




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Nov 3




Paws in Need Holiday Boutique
Paws In Need will hold their 19th Annual Holiday Boutique at Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate, Tri-Valley Realty, 101 E. Vineyard Ave. #103, Livermore (next to Campo di Bocce), on Saturday, November 3rd, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

This one-day Holiday Boutique will include animal-themed holiday gifts for people and pets, garden art, cards, ornaments, home and kitchen decor, purses, jewelry, hand-crafted items and much more. Cash, checks and credit cards are accepted for payment. There will also be opportunities to win several exciting gift baskets. This major fundraising event is a perfect time to start your holiday shopping!

All proceeds will benefit Paws In Need’s animal medical program. This program relies solely on contributions from the community to provide financial assistance for veterinary medical needs to prevent animal suffering and overpopulation in the Tri-Valley and surrounding areas.

For more information, please contact 925-551-1877, or email Info@Paws-In-Need.org.
Sponsor: Paws in Need
Location:  Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate, Tri-Valley Realty - 101 E. Vineyard Ave #103, Livermore
Times:  10:00am to 4:00pm
Admission: Free.  Items for sale.
More info: www.Paws-In-Need.org   or 925 551-1877



At the Bankhead Theater


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Nov 3




Diwali “Festival of the Lights” will be celebrated in a free family event on the Bankhead Plaza on Saturday, November 3. The event is a joint project of the Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center and the Youth and Education Hindu Cultural Community Center in Livermore.

An ancient Hindu festival in Nepal and India, Diwali, the “Festival of Lights,” is celebrated in autumn or spring every year. The tradition originated as a festival marking the last harvest of the year before the start of winter and spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair. The festival is celebrated for five continuous days, with the third day honored as the central Diwali festival or “Festival of the Lights.”

The event will include such traditional Diwali activities as diya decorations, henna, rangoli art, Indian classical songs and dancing, as well as a storytelling of the history and meaning of Diwali. Free craft projects for children will be set up and food and jewelry will be available for sale. All activities will take place in front of the Bankhead Theater at 2400 First Street in downtown Livermore.
Sponsor: Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center
Location:  Bankhead Theater Plaza - LVPAC web site - eLivermore Bankhead Theater page
Times:  11:00am to 2:00pm
Admission:  Free
Tickets:  Bankhead Theater Box Office info  -  LVPAC Online Ordering page
More info: Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center  -  eLivermore.com theater page


Guys and Dolls

Firehouse Arts Center

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Nov 3-4

Nov 9-11
Nov 16-18




Guys and Dolls
Hailed as the perfect musical comedy, this award-winning classic gambles with luck and love under the bright lights of Broadway – from the heart of Times Square to the cafes of Havana, Cuba. Guys and Dolls ran for 1,200 performances when it opened on Broadway in 1950. It received nearly unanimous positive reviews from critics and won a bevy of awards, including Tony Awards, Drama Desks and Oliviers.

Set in Damon Runyon’s mythical New York City, Guys and Dolls is an oddball romantic comedy. Gambler, Nathan Detroit, tries to find the cash to set up the biggest craps game in town while the authorities breathe down his neck; meanwhile, his girlfriend and nightclub performer, Adelaide, laments that they’ve been engaged for fourteen years. Nathan turns to fellow gambler, Sky Masterson, for the dough, and Sky ends up chasing the straight-laced missionary, Sarah Brown, as a result. Guys and Dolls takes us from the heart of Times Square to the cafes of Havana, Cuba, and even into the sewers of New York City, but eventually everyone ends up right where they belong.
Sponsor: Tri-Valley Repertory Theatre
Location:  Firehouse Arts Center - 4444 Railroad Ave, Pleasanton
Times:  Friday & Saturday: 8:00pm;  Sunday: 2:00pm
Admission: $19-$41
More info: www.firehousearts.org


At the Bankhead Theater


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Nov 7




The talented a cappella quintet from Zimbabwe represents a new generation of young African women who celebrate and preserve their culture through art. Their inventive pure vocal harmonies and minimal percussion infuse music from traditional Zimbabwean songs to Afro Jazz and Gospel.
Sponsor: Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center
Location:  Bankhead Theater - LVPAC web site - eLivermore Bankhead Theater page
Times:  7:30pm
Admission:  $50/$40/$30
Tickets:  Bankhead Theater Box Office info  -  LVPAC Online Ordering page
More info: Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center  -  eLivermore.com theater page


Estas Tonne: The Breath of Sound World Tour

At the Bankhead Theater


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Nov 8




Estas Tonne: The Breath of Sound World Tour
As a modern-day Troubadour Estas Tonne travels countless places and finds himself in several cultural references without identifying himself with a single nation or country, rather with the cultural richness of the world. His music is therefore a reflection of a classical structure, technique of Flamenco, roots of Gypsy, characteristics of Latin and Electronic Soundscapes. His Song of the Golden Dragon surpassed over 45 million views on Youtube.

The upcoming tour, The Breath of Sound, reaches the followers of bold guitar music and unique art & culture, as well as spiritual wellbeing. Through his music Estas Tonne invites people to close their eyes, open their hearts and dive into a sacred space where one can experience music in the purest form.
Sponsor: Voice Art Group
Location:  Bankhead Theater - LVPAC web site - eLivermore Bankhead Theater page
Times:  7:30pm
Admission:  $75/$65/$45/$35
Tickets:  Bankhead Theater Box Office info  -  LVPAC Online Ordering page
More info: Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center  -  eLivermore.com theater page


Race to the Flagpole




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Nov 10




Race to the Flagpole
This is the Livermore Granada Booster’s main fundraiser of the year, all proceeds go towards the Livermore Granada Boosters Olympian Scholarship program. This event is open to all ages and abilities. We host this event to encourage awareness and appreciation for fitness, as well as foster community pride. All participants receive a Race T-shirt, Medal and Post-Race Refreshments. ​
1 Mile, 5K, 10K races.
Sponsor: Livermore Granada Boosters
Location:  Independence Park, 2798 Holmes Street, Livermore
Times:  1st event of the day:  8:45am;  Race Day Registration begins at 6:45am
Admission: $15 to $40.
More info: Livermore Granada Boosters

Goodguys Autumn Get Together

At the Fairgrounds



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Nov 10-11
Sat to Sun



Goodguys All-American Get Together
Don’t miss your chance to be a part of the final Bay Area Goodguys event of 2018! It’s the Goodguys 29th Fuelcurve.com Autumn Get-Together and it’s all happening the weekend of November 10 & 11 at the Alameda County Fairgrounds in Pleasanton, CA. It’s your final shot of the year to explore over 2,500 American made or powered hot rods, customs, classics, muscle cars and trucks of all years, makes, and models and to shop the mega Swap Meet for those hard-to-find parts and memorabilia & Cars 4 Sale Corral for a last-minute winter project! Plus, don’t miss the special Indoor Car Show and Custom Bicycle Exhibits, check out the latest products and trends at over 100 Vendor Exhibits, special parking areas on Saturday, Nitro Thunderfest Dragster Exhibition presented by Fuelcurve.com, and watch or compete in the adrenaline-pumping Goodguys AutoCross timed racing competition! And, help us celebrate Veteran’s Day Weekend with special promotions and festivities honoring those who serve and have served the USA all weekend long! For complete details and to register your vehicle or purchase tickets, visit www.good-guys.com. Where timeless traditions meet new school trends!
Sponsor: Goodguys Rod & Custom Association.
Location:   Alameda County Fairgrounds, Pleasanton
Times:  Saturday 8:00am to 5:00pm;  Sunday 8:00am to 4:00pm
Admission: Adults $20; Child $6; under 6 FREE Seniors $20; Mulitary $15;  $10 parking.
More info:
Fairgrounds Web Site, www.good-guys.com,    925-838-9876.
Chris Perondi's Stunt Dog Experience

At the Bankhead Theater


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Nov 11




Chris Perondi's Stund Dog Experience
Chris Perondi’s “Stunt Dog Experience” is all high energy excitement. From their world-class high jumping and barrel racing, to weaving around poles and catching flying discs, these are some of the most athletic and talented dogs in the world. They’ve been featured on television on the Ellen DeGeneres show, the Tonight Show, and “Pet Star!” as well as numerous commercials. With incredible stunts, comic antics and amazing tricks, these dancing dogs keep audiences entertained from start to finish.
Sponsor: Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center
Location:  Bankhead Theater - LVPAC web site - eLivermore Bankhead Theater page
Times:  7:30pm
Admission:  $30
Tickets:  Bankhead Theater Box Office info  -  LVPAC Online Ordering page
More info: Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center  -  eLivermore.com theater page


Andy Weir - Rae Dorough Speaker Series

At the Bankhead Theater


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Nov 15




Andy Weir - Rae Dorough Speaker Series
Livermore native and author of the best-selling The Martian, Andy Weir, will discuss his life before and after the science fiction novel adapted into a hit movie in 2015, including a lifelong interest in interplanetary travel. A software engineer by training, Weir attaches great importance to technical accuracy and scientific authenticity in his novels. His most recent novel is Artemis, a novel about life in a city on the Moon. Weir’s work has been recognized with the Goodreads Choice Award for Best Science Fiction.
Sponsor: Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center
Location:  Bankhead Theater - LVPAC web site - eLivermore Bankhead Theater page
Times:  7:30pm
Admission:  $40 / $36 / $32.   Students (21 & under): $16
Tickets:  Bankhead Theater Box Office
More info: Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center  -    -  eLivermore.com theater page


Larry Gatlin & the Gatlin Brothers

At the Bankhead Theater


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Nov 16




Larry Gatlin & the Gatlin Brothers
For more than 45 years, Larry Gatlin & the Gatlin Brothers have been dazzling audiences with songs that have topped the charts and touched the lives of fans of all ages. The first to establish himself in Nashville, Larry was soon joined by Steve and Rudy and, by 1976, as Larry Gatlin & the Gatlin Brothers they had been inducted into the Grand Ole Opry. They scored a Grammy Award with “Broken Lady” and the hits just kept coming including “All the Gold in California,” winner of an American Country Music Award, “I Just Wish You Were Someone I Love, ”She Used to be Somebody’s Baby,” “Night Time Magic,” “Love is Just a Game” and many more.

Larry, Steve and Rudy will swing through Livermore with their “Unplugged Show” treating audiences to the natural family harmonies and genuine stage charm that has earned them a place at the top of the industry for decades. They’ll fill the theater with familiar country and gospel hits and the stories of how those songs came to be. This rare chance to hear the Gatlins “unplugged” is as pure a night of music as it gets.
Sponsor: Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center
Location:  Bankhead Theater - LVPAC web site - eLivermore Bankhead Theater page
Times:  8:00pm
Admission:  $70/$60/$40/$20
Tickets:  Bankhead Theater Box Office info  -  LVPAC Online Ordering page
More info: Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center  -  eLivermore.com theater page


Earlier than the Bird - Livermore


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Nov 17




Earlier Than the Bird
Wear your PJs and receive a free gift.  Get a jump on the holiday shopping with great deals & giveaways!  Coffee, mimosas, and breakfast treats provided.

Jump out of bed on Saturday, November 17th, 2018 and grab your mother, daughter, sister, girlfriend, colleague, grandma, aunt, niece...to get a head start on the Holiday Shopping! Start with a hearty breakfast or end with a refueling lunch and remember...

Pajama attire is acceptable dining wear for the day!

Artists will be holding a Holiday Art Fair in the lobby of the Bankhead Theater.
Sponsor: Livermore Downtown Association
Location:  Downtown Livermore
Times:  7am to 10am
Admission: Free (items for sale)
More info: Livermore Downtown Association (925) 373-1795


Holiday Art Fair -  Earlier Than the Bird




Back to Calendar

Nov 17



Holiday Art Fair - Earlier Than the Bird
Calling all Early Birds! This is your chance wear your pajamas to shop Downtown Livermore. Art and fine handcrafts are for sale in the lobby of the Bankhead Theater Gallery on Saturday, November 17 from 7 am – 11 am, as part of Livermore Downtown, Inc.'s Annual Earlier Than the Bird Event! Shop for unique and original hand made items made by Tri-Valley artists for a one-of-a-kind twist to your holiday gift giving. Meet the artists, watch some demonstrations, and find that special something among jewelry, fabric art, photography, and original artwork including acrylic, pottery, glass art and more. Sponsored by the Livermore Performing Arts Center: Bankhead and the Bothwell.
Sponsor: Bothwell Arts Center
Location:  Bothwell Arts Center, 2466 8th St.  Livermore.
Times:  7:001m to 11:00am
Admission: Free - items for sale.
More info: Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center

Crossroads Doll & Teddy Bears Show & Sale

At the Fairgrounds



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Nov 17


Crossroads Doll & Teddy Bears Show & Sale
The show brings contests, demonstrations and an exciting international group of high profile artists sharing what they do. This lighthearted show and sale is for enthusiasts of all ages with a sales floor packed with dolls, teddy bears, antiques, miniatures, clothes supplies, & more: from antique to modern and the carefully hand crafted.

Event Features:
• Doll & teddy bear identification and appraisal by industry experts John Port & Marshall Martin (limit 2 per person)
• Extensive group of antique dolls for sale
• Meet artists and see their original work
• Play dolls & teddy bears for younger collectors
Location:  Alameda County Fairgrounds, Building B, Bernal Ave at Valley Ave., Pleasanton
Times:  Early Bird: 9am to 10am;  General:  10am to 3pm
Admission:   Adults $8.00; Children under 12 $4.00; Early Bird $10.00; Parking $10.00
More info:   dollshowjean@gmail.com  web site: www.crossroadsshows.com   or Fairgrounds web site

Spirit & Sweater Stroll



Back to Calendar

Nov 17




Spirit & Sweater Stroll
It's going to get ugly! Ugly sweaters that is! The Pleasanton Downtown Association (PDA) is excited to announce the Spirit & Sweater Stroll set to take place on Saturday, November 17 from 6 - 8 p.m. Bust out your ugliest of sweaters and join the fun as we kick off the holiday season in downtown Pleasanton. Event guests will enjoy spirits and craft cocktails at over 20 downtown locations throughout Main Street.
Sponsor:  Pleasanton Downtown Association
Location:  Downtown Pleasanton
Times:  6:00pm to 8:00pm
Admission: TBD
More info: Pleasanton Downtown Association,
6th Floor Project

At the Bankhead Theater


Back to Calendar

Nov 17




6th Floor Project
Formed by graduates of the Curtis Institute of Music, the 6th Floor Project is dedicated to the creation and performance of music that connects different musical styles, communities, and artistic disciplines. From bluegrass to Klezmer, classical, to jazz, ancient music to contemporary rock, they explore it all. Since 2008, the group has performed extensively throughout the United States in venues ranging from traditional concert halls to grunge bars and experimental spaces. Expect an evening of unfettered energy and musicality exploring a wide range of musical genres.
Sponsor: Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center
Location:  Bankhead Theater - LVPAC web site - eLivermore Bankhead Theater page
Times:  8:00pm
Admission:  $49/$43/$31
Tickets:  Bankhead Theater Box Office info  -  LVPAC Online Ordering page
More info: Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center  -  eLivermore.com theater page


Lantern Light Festival

At the Fairgrounds



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Nov 23-Jan 20


Lantern Light Festival
Join us for a spectacular evening of dazzling lights, colors, shapes, and themes. The Lantern Light festival is a six week celebration of Chinese culture featuring massive lanterns, inspiring performances, and incredible cuisine. A tradition that started over 2,000 years ago, the lantern festival is China’s most important celebration, marking the return of spring, with the lighting of Chinese lanterns being symbolic of illuminating the future and the reunion of family.

While many people picture lanterns being released into the night sky, these enormous lanterns stay firmly on the ground. Each Chinese lantern is custom-built by Chinese artisans and typically takes four weeks and a team of seven to complete. The lanterns appear to be three-dimensional stained glass, and are handmade from hundreds of pieces of silky cloth. Some are over 30 feet high and others are up to 300 feet long.

If you enjoy an evening full of festive lights and amazing sights, bring your family to the Lantern Light Festival, a rare opportunity to witness the majestic skill of the world’s best lantern-makers.
Lantern Light Festival
Location:  Alameda County Fairgrounds, Pleasanton
Times:  Thurs & Sunday: 5:00pm to 10:00pm.  Friday & Saturday:  5:00pm to 11:00pm
Admission:  Adult: $23;  Seniors 65+ & Active Military: $20;  Group: $18, Children 3-12: $18; Under 3: Free, VIP: $49; Children's Activity Package: $29.    Parking $10.00
More info:   www.lanternlightfestival.com or Fairgrounds web site

Niles Canyon Train of Lights

click for more photos



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Nov 23 to Dec 30
Dates at the right


Niles Canyon Railway Train of Lights.
Experience the magic of our brightly decorated holiday train, covered with thousands of lights, as it winds through the darkness of Niles Canyon on a 75-minute round-trip ride from Niles to Sunol and back, and the later train from Sunol to Niles and back.
This annual fundraising event is presented by the Pacific Locomotive Association to benefit Niles Canyon Railway projects throughout the year. We are sincerely grateful for all of our supporters who help our non-profit, tax-exempt, living history museum continue to operate and grow.
Trains run both from Sunol to Niles and back, and from Niles to Sunol and back.
Location:  Downtown Sunol
Times: Departures from 4:30pm from Niles, 7:30 from Sunol
Admission:  Coach: $30 ages 3 and up.  See the Niles Canyon Railroad.
   First Class Dome: $50
   First Class Parlor: $50
   Private Caboose: $600
eLivermore Photos.
More info: Niles Canyon Railroad.  Info should be on the Niles Canyon site mid to late September.  Ticket purchases around the 2nd week of October.

2018 Dates - From Sunol
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
          Nov 23  7:30 Nov 24  7:30
Nov 25  7:30     Nov 28  7:30   Nov 30  7:30 Dec 1  7:30
Dec 2  7:30     Dec 5  7:30   Dec 7  7:30 Dec 8  7:30
Dec 9  7:30     Dec 12  7:30   Dec 14  7:30 Dec 15  7:30
Dec 16  7:30     Dec 19  7:30   Dec 21  7:30 Dec 22  7:30
Dec 23  7:30     Dec 26  7:30   Dec 28  7:30 Dec 19  7:30
Dec 30  7:30            


2018 Dates - From Niles
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
          Nov 23  4:30 Nov 24  4:30
Nov 25  4:30     Nov 28  4:30   Nov 30  4:30 Dec 1  4:30
Dec 2  4:30     Dec 5  4:30   Dec 7  4:30 Dec 8  4:30
Dec 9  4:30     Dec 12  4:30   Dec 14  4:30 Dec 15  4:30
Dec 16  4:30     Dec 19  4:30   Dec 21  4:30 Dec 22  4:30
Dec 23  4:30     Dec 26  4:30   Dec 28  4:30 Dec 19  4:30
Dec 30  4:30            


Pleasanton Community Concert Band Winter Concert

Firehouse Arts Center

Back to Calendar

Nov 25




Pleasanton Community Concert Band Winter Concert
Seasonal Favorites
Sponsor: City of Pleasanton
Location:  Firehouse Arts Center - 4444 Railroad Ave, Pleasanton
Times:  2:00pm
Admission: Free
More info: www.firehousearts.org
Handel: The Messiah - Pacific Chamber Orchestra

At the Bankhead Theater


Back to Calendar

Nov 25




Handel: The Messiah - Pacific Chamber Orchestra
Kick off the holiday season with a joyous beginning. Well-known favorites Christopher Bengochea and Eugene Brancoveanu are two of the four soloists. Chorus Master Robert Lappa again prepares the Pacific Chamber Orchestra chorus in this stirring performance. The audience is invited to join a sing-a-long encore of the famed Hallelujah chorus. Find out why being in the midst of harmonious voices makes this one of the best-loved musical experiences of all time. Unlike many choral works where the soloists are the main attraction, in the Messiah, the chorus equally propels the work forward with great emotional impact and uplifting messages.
Sponsor: Pacific Chamber Orchestra
Location:    Bankhead Theater - LVPAC web site - eLivermore Bankhead Theater page
Times:  8:00pm
Admission: $59/$49.50/$45/$35
Tickets:  Bankhead Theater Box Office info  -  LVPAC Online Ordering page
More info: Pacific Chamber Orchestra  - LVPAC web site
COI: Holiday Shorts 2018 - A Long Winter's Tale

Firehouse Arts Center

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Nov 27

Nov 29-30




COI: Holiday Shorts 2018 - A Long Winter's Tale
Creatures of Impulse
Your suggestions will inspire holiday themed games, scenes, and improv fun in the first act. The audience will then vote for which short scene Creatures of Impulse will make into an entire improvised “play” in the second act!
Sponsor: City of Pleasanton
Location:  Firehouse Arts Center - 4444 Railroad Ave, Pleasanton
Times:  7:30pm
Admission: $12, Students: $7.   Nov 27: $2 cash-only preview (tickets at the door).
More info: www.firehousearts.org
Meet Me in St. Louis

At the Bankhead Theater


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Nov 28




Meet Me in St. Louis
Esther Smith (Judy Garland ) and her three sisters are caught up in the excitement of preparing for the 1904 World’s Fair. She is in love with the boy next door, who has yet to notice her despite her somewhat clumsy efforts. When her father tells them they will be moving to New York City, each of the girls is upset for their own reasons, until twists and turns lead them to an eventual happy ending. The film debuted a number of timeless hits including “The Trolley Song” and the iconic “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” sung by Esther to her youngest sister Tootie (Margaret O’Brian” which became a holiday standard.
Sponsor: Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center
Location:  Bankhead Theater - LVPAC web site - eLivermore Bankhead Theater page
Times:  7:00pm
Admission:  $5
Tickets:  Bankhead Theater Box Office info  -  LVPAC Online Ordering page
More info: Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center  -  eLivermore.com theater page


Valley Concert Choral - Sing it Yourself Messiah


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Nov 30




Valley Concert Choral - Sing it Yourself Messiah
It’s our annual holiday event.  Join in singing Part I of Handel’s great masterpiece, including the Hallelujah Chorus.
Sponsor: Valley Concert Chorale
Location:  Asbury United Methodist Church, 4743 East Ave, Livermore
Times: 7:30pm
Admission: $15. Tickets at Valley Concert Chorale website.
More info: Valley Concert Chorale




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More info:



Livermore Library Events
Livermore Library Events

Sponsor: Livermore Library
Locations: See specific event for its location.
    Main (Civic Center) Library: 1188 S Livermore Ave.
    Rincon Branch: 725 Rincon Ave.
    Springtown Branch: 998 Bluebell Dr
Times:  See Table
Admission: Free.
More info: Livermore Library, 925 373-5500

Photo by Bill Nale
This photo also appears on Google Earth.



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