eLivermore.com - By Bill Nale


Livermore Rodeo Parade 2017
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2017 Parade - Index to Entries (on 2017 Parade Page)
Page 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17

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All Photos by Bill Nale

Entries #1 through 9

#1  Livermore Police Department
Following tradition, the first in our line-up is the Livermore Police Department.  Two members of the Citizens on Patrol team lead the parade on bicycles. These volunteers patrol both bike and walking trails and report suspicious circumstances or assist citizens as needed. The marching group is the Livermore Police Department Explorer Program. This program provides career-oriented training for young adults contemplating a career in the criminal justice field. They experience a personal awareness of the criminal justice system through training, practical experiences, and community interaction.  This 1954 Chevy was restored and donated to the Livermore Police Department by the Altamont Cruisers. The car is used at community events such as National Night Out, Halloween Trick or Treat and a variety of other events. In the car I see Chief Mike Harris (who is a Rotarian!) and Crime Prevention Specialist Nicole Aguon.
And we have Fin, a recently retired K-9 and the LPD mascot, "Officer Justice."







#2  VFW Post # 7265 Color Guard

Please stand, if you can, remove your hat, and place your right hand over your heart in recognition of the presentation of our National Colors. They are carried by the Color Guard for the Livermore Valley Post #7265, Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.
Carrying the colors are:
John Carstensen, Korean War, age 86
Mike Gilmore, Iraq War
Harold Kurz, Vietnam War, age 65
Joe Revolinsky, Vietnam War, Age 67
Bob Rochin, Vietnam War, Age 66
Riding in the WWII Jeep we have:
Driver Ron Gillette, Vietnam War, age 70
Bo Wong, Korean War, age 85
Leonard Gregory, WWII, age 90
Al Alviso, WWII, age 91.
We all thank you, gentlemen, for your service.






#3  Alameda County Sheriff's Mounted Posse
Next we have the Alameda County Sheriff Department Mounted Posse representing Sheriff Gregory J. Ahern, under the direction of Captain Linda Post. The Posse is the proud recipient of the CSHA Scheured-Standley Sweepstakes Perpetual Trophy Award for 2016.
Since the 1940's the Posse has represented the Sheriff Department in parades, County Fairs, and Raider games. As always, they are honored to be here to celebrate the 2017 Livermore Rodeo.





#4  Livermore Rodeo Queen 2017
And here is Miss Livermore Rodeo Queen for 2017, Juliana Marceal.
Juliana is honored and excited to represent the 99th “World's Fastest Rodeo”. She is 22-years old, born and raised in Livermore, and works as a registered veterinary technician.
Juliana enjoys raising and maintaining her herd of cattle and she looks forward to seeing everyone at this year's rodeo.




#5  Livermore Junior Rodeo Queen
Close behind is Livermore Junior Rodeo Queen for 2017, Olivia Sherman, on her horse, Peach.
Olivia is 15 years old and attends Castro Valley HS.
Her goal is to become a professional bull rider and she also wants to get a degree in agricultural sales.
She invites everyone out to the Livermore Junior Rodeo next Saturday, June 17. The program begins at 8am.

#6  Livermore Rodeo Princesses
After the queens come the princesses, here in a horse-drawn open carriage!
The six Miss Livermore Rodeo Princesses for 2017 are:
Abigail Moore, Alessandra Matteucci, Chrissy Creeden, Frances Thornberry-Sherrod, Gracie Waxman, Julianna Morrissey





#7  Livermore Stockman's Rodeo Association / Livermore Rodeo Foundation Presidents
Riding in a 1930 Model A, driven by Craig Rivers, we have Dave Finster, 2017 president of the Livermore Stockmen’s Rodeo Association, and Kathleen Minser, president of the Livermore Rodeo Foundation. Both are longtime Livermore residents and have been a part of the rodeo for many years.
They welcome you all to the parade and they're looking forward to seeing all of you today and tomorrow at Livermore’s 99th “World’s Fastest Rodeo.”
Gates open at 11am and the Grand Entry is at 3pm.




#8 Historic Livermore Rodeo Stage Coach
Here comes the historic Livermore Rodeo stagecoach.
Riding inside are representatives from the Livermore Rodeo Association.




#9  2nd Livermore Rodeo Stage Coach
Next, making its annual appearance in the Rodeo Parade is the second of the stage coaches owned and maintained by the Rodeo Association.
Riding in the stagecoach is 2017 Livermore Rodeo Cowgirl Honoree, Patsy Gilbert
Patsy was raised in Livermore and attended Livermore High School before moving on to Cal State Fresno and UCLA with degrees in agriculture and technical management. She is very active in FFA, Ag programs and Alameda Cattlewomen’s Association.
The City of Livermore originally owned 8 coaches, more than any other city in California.
These 2 coaches are over 100 years old and have been rescued and restored by the Livermore Stockmen's Rodeo Association. They will be part of the Livermore Rodeo's “Grand Entry” both today and Sunday.

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For electronic copies of your parade entry (all entries were photographed) visit my photo sharing site or contact webservant@elivermore.com
There is no charge.