eLivermore.com - By Bill Nale |
Livermore Rodeo Parade 2017 |
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All Photos by Bill Nale
Entries 82 through 91
Scripts will be added soon.
#82 Del Arroyo 4-H Club The Del Arroyo 4-H Club of Livermore has been serving children from kindergarten age through age 19 since 1974. It's part of the world-wide organization, with over 90,000 clubs in the U.S. alone. This club offers projects in crafts, beekeeping, square dance, public speaking, rocketry, archery, large and small animals, and lots more. The 4-H pledge is: "I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my health to better living, for my club, my community, my country, and my world." New registration begins this September. |
#83 Cresta Blanca Service unit of the Girl Scouts of America Cresta Blanca Girl Scout Service unit in Livermore serves over 700 girls. From the youngest Daisy to the oldest Ambassador, they raise funds for activities throughout the year while still serving their community. These activities build girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place. |
#84 St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church St Bartholomew's Episcopal Church at 678 Enos Way, will be holding their annual "Arts @ Bart's Camp" June 19th to 23rd, from 1 to 4 pm. Children ages 3 to 12 will explore God's love through "The Magic Treehouse: The Musical." Campers will go on an adventure with Jack and Anne as they travel to Camelot and search for the waters of memory and imagination to save King Arthur's kingdom. Register online at SaintBartsLivermore.com. |
#85 Calco Fence Company Calco Fence Company has been serving the Bay Area fencing needs of cities, schools and the local communities. Building sports fields, parks and play areas for children and their families is a pride for this company. These children are Calco's future estimators, foremen and office administrators. They love to be a part of Livermore's family events and look forward to the Rodeo Parade every year! |
#87 Livermore Lions Club This year marks the 100th anniversary of the International Lions Club. Members from around the world will meet next month in Chicago to celebrate this momentous occasion. Lions Club is the largest community service organization in the world, with 1.4 million members in 210 countries. Lions work tirelessly to aid the blind, the visually impaired and the hearing impaired. Organized in 1924, the Livermore Lions Club raises funds to support Blind Babies Foundation, Canine companions, Relay for life, Rancho Las Positas Elementary, Fertile Ground Works, Open Heart kitchen, and many others. We invite you to donate your glasses and come join our Lions Club! |
#88 Mendenhall Middle School Mustang Marching Band The Mendenhall Middle School Marching band is proud to represent Mendenhall Middle school and the Mendenhall community in the 2017 Livermore Rodeo Parade. Under the Directing of Ms. Jo Anne Fosselman, with Drum Major Athena Lewis, Mendenhall's 62 member marching unit will perform "Sousa Spectacular." |
#89 Livermore Toyota Livermore Toyota, on Vasco Rd at the 580 Freeway, has the largest inventory of new and Certified Toyotas in all of Northern California. So, if you are looking for a full-size truck, mid-size truck, car, SUV, or van, Livermore Toyota is the place to go. Their motto is “Live More and Pay Less at Livermore Toyota.” 6200 Northfront Rd, Livermore Toyota, at the Vasco Rd exit of the 580 Freeway in Livermore! |
#90 Peninsula Building Materials Co./American Cancer Society, Relay for Life Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society’s signature event where participants walk for 24 hours to raise funds and raise awareness about programs to support cancer patients and find a cure. Relay For Life of Livermore has been walking for 16 years and has raised over $2 million dollar. Come out to Livermore High School on June 24th beginning at 9:00am and enjoy the opening ceremonies when our cancer survivors will lead the first lap. There will be food, entertainment and raffles through the day. --- Sponsoring Relay for Life's float is "Peninsula Building Materials". They supply the East Bay Community with quality natural stone, brick, pavers and landscape materials. If you haven’t seen their selection, you should stop by their Livermore yard, located off of Vasco Road. Peninsula Building Materials is an active participant in our community by donating their time to organizations such as Boy scouts, and Relay for life. |
#91 Carol Jean Dancers These are the Carol Jean Dancers Alumni, marching to pay tribute to their late dance instructor, Carol Jean Famariss. The songs they are marching to are songs they all danced to many times in past parades. Carol Jean passed away in February of this year at the age of 94. She taught dance to thousands of dancers in Livermore from 1946-2007. If you grew up as a dancer in Livermore, you likely took dance from Carol Jean, or your instructor did. Many of her students went on to perform on Broadway, The Gong Show, Disneyland, and to own their own dance studios. They're sure that she is now dancing in heaven. |
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