#241 - 1942 Classic U.S. Army Jeep
1st Place: Antique Vehicles
Here comes WW II and Korean War veteran Ken Nather driving his 1942 U.S. Army
Jeep, which has a 30 Caliber Machine Gun and a Rocket Launcher.
Riding with him is Capt. Rich Buckley. Rich was a Marine Jet Fighter pilot. He
flew 122 missions in F4B Phantoms in Viet Nam. He's a long-time Livermore
resident and now owns Rich Buckley Realty.
The machine gunner is Ken's grandson Austin Evernham. I remember when Austin was
just a tyke, riding in the parade with his grandpa many years ago.
See also: Photos on the Before the Parade Page. |
#242 - Mosaic Lodge No. 218 F. & A. M.
And now we have members of the Livermore Masons, Mosaic Lodge # 218, Free &
Accepted Masons of California. The Mosaic Lodge #218 is the oldest lodge in the
Tri-Valley, established in 1872. Peter M. Patterson is the Master of Masters for
Marching along with the Master in Masonic regalia are members of the lodge and
also members of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls Assembly #246, a
youth group sponsored by the lodge. |
#243 - Livermore Lions Club
Our next group is the Livermore Lions Club. Lions is a community service
organization united in its desire to help those less fortunate than ourselves in
the; community, state, country, and world. The Lion's "Chuck-Wagon" has been
used to cook thousands of sausages, burgers, hotdogs, pancakes to raise funds
for Canine Companions, Special Kids Day, The American Cancer Society's Relay for
Life, and other charity organizations. |


#244 - Alameda County District Attorney
Nancy O'Malley
Alameda County District Attorney, Nancy E. O'Malley is a nationally recognized
expert in human trafficking, sexual assault, and domestic violence. She is known
for her many innovative programs, including those to fight real estate fraud, ID
theft, plus elder, and child abuse. District Attorney O'Malley has led the
charge for stronger protections and increased rights for victims through her
legislative work in Sacramento. She created the Family Justice Center as well as
developed the "Heat Watch" program. This is an anti-human-trafficking initiative
that has become a national model. She has been honored this year with the 2015
Irving Foundation Leadership Award and by the Livermore Lions Club as
"Outstanding Citizen of the Year." |
#245 - Rustic Beauty
Here we have Rustic Beauty! Their boutique is the leader in Fun-Funky-Fashion
Forward fashions in our downtown district. Located in The Old Theater Mall at
2222 Second St. They carry unique apparel & fashion accessories!
Stop by and tell them you saw them in the parade!" |




#246 - Triple Threat Performing Arts
1st Place: Novelty Unit (Junior)
Triple Threat Performing Arts is currently celebrating its 10th year in
Livermore! They strive to create a unique will-rounded program that's more than
just a dance studio. Triple Threat is a place where students of all ages and
levels can learn everything from ballet, jazz, and tap to hip hop, modern and
musical theater training.
This July, Triple Threat is offering a "Dance for Free" program, where children
can try our classes for FREE! Triple Threat Performing Arts, where your child
can gain the skills to become a true "Triple Threat." |








#247 - Visiting Angels, Senior Home
Our next entry is from Visiting Angels Senior Home Care, located here in
Livermore. Our fellow Rotarian Keith Beck is driving a 1966 Ford Stepside
pick-up. This was Keith's father's farm truck and was used to haul hay and
livestock on his dad's ranch in Texas. Keith brought the pick-up to California
in 2009 and has worked hard on restoring it. Besides now having a high
performance V-8 engine with dual exhaust, Keith enjoys retaining the original
look of the truck, He calls it the "Angel Transporter" and drives it in special
events like today's parade. With Keith is Carol Borgardt. |


#248 - Livermore High School Cowboy
Marching Band
The Livermore High School Cowboy Marching Band is led by drum major Shelby
Evans. Honors this past year include 3rd place at the Lincoln Review of
Champions, 2nd place at the Grape Bowl Band Classic and 1st place at the Feste
Del Mar. In addition, the Symphonic Band earned a rating of “Unanimous Superior”
at the California Association for Music Education Festival.
Today the band members are wearing brand new uniforms, purchased by the Cowboy
Band Boosters, with the assistance of the Livermore community.
The music comes from the Texas A&M Aggie Band, and is titled “Noble Men of
Kyle.” |








#249 - District 7 State Senator Steve Glazer
Please welcome our new Senator Steve Glazer. Senator Glazer represents the 7th
District in the California State Senate, which includes Livermore and the
greater Tri-Valley. With just two weeks on the job, newly elected Senator Glazer
looks forward to meeting with and representing Tri-Valley voters on issues
important to the Tri-Valley region. He is committed to finding solutions for
Tri-Valley transportation needs, including BART to Livermore, protecting open
space, and advocating for our schools and our students. Senator Glazer is
married to Melba Muscaroles (musk-a-roll-less) and they have two daughters, Alex
and Ariel. They're all excited to be part of this great tradition! |



