eLivermore.com - By Bill Nale


Livermore Rodeo Parade 2015
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2015 Parade - Index to Entries (on 2015 Parade Page)
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All Photos by Bill Nale

Entries #257 through #264

#257 - Livermore Heritage Guild's, 1944 Mack Fire Engine
3rd Place:
Antique Fire Engines
The final entry from the Livermore Heritage Guild is their 1944 Mack Fire Engine. This was Livermore’s 3rd commercial fire engine, formerly called Engine 22. It, too, has been refurbished and is maintained by Heritage Guild volunteers. All three of the fire engines are housed at the Duarte Garage on North L Street.
President of the Livermore Heritage Guild, Jeff Kaskey, occupies the Engineer’s seat and Susan Junk is in the Captain’s seat.
Staff and family members of Livermore Valley Performing Arts Center are standing in the rear –upcoming shows at LVPAC are so hot they needed to ride in a firetruck! Get your tickets while they are still available!
See also: Photos on the After the Parade Page.





#258 - Sunshine Dance & Cheer Studio
3rd Place:
Sunshine Dance & Cheer Studio is the newest dance studio in Livermore, offering fun and inspiring dance lessons for all levels from age 2 to adults. Instructors are passionate about the art of dance and enjoy providing an encouraging and loving environment for their students. Sunshine Dance & Cheer offers traditional dance styles such as ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop along with other fun styles including break dancing, ballet folklorico, and cheerleading. Classes are currently available and Summer Dance Camps are now accepting enrollment.
Watch Sunshine Dance & Cheer dancers shine as they perform a short preview of their upcoming recital.





#259 - Fertile Groundworks
Here is Bruce Campbell of "Fertile GroundWorks" driving their new Kubota tractor. Bruce is accompanied by some of his garden volunteers. Fertile GroundWorks is a nonprofit dedicated to teaching sustainable gardening and ensuring that everyone has access to fresh and nutritious vegetables and fruits. Fertile GroundWorks volunteers have grown and donated over forty thousand pounds of food to Open Heart Kitchen and other community food pantries. They also support school gardens, helping to establish, rejuvenate, and maintain gardens at seven of Livermore's schools.
Come meet Bruce and see the Garden of Grace at 4743 East Avenue, behind Asbury Methodist Church. You might even want to volunteer yourself."



#260 - East Ave. Middle School Dolphin Band
Yet another year of music is coming to a close at East Avenue School. Having nearly 30% of students enrolled in a music class keeps everyone busy. Thanks to the East Avenue community for being so supportive to the kids and the music program. They couldn’t do it without you! Now, under the baton of Drum Major David Davisson, here’s the East Avenue Dolphin Band playing "Silver Eagle" by Andrew Balent."







#261 - Cresta Blanca Service unit of the Girl Scouts of America
Girl Scouts of Northern, CA, Cresta Blanca Service Unit, serves almost 800 girls and their families in Livermore. From Daisies to Ambassadors, their mission is to build girls of courage, confidence, and character.
With money earned during nut and candy sales in the Fall, cookie sales in the Spring, plus other fundraising events, these girls are able to go camping in Pescadero, surfing off the coast of Santa Cruz, and go zip lining in Fairfax.
Earning the highest honor a Girl Scout can earn, the Gold Award, opens up employment and college opportunities galore.
Check out crestablancagirlscouts.com for more information about joining.





#262 - St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church
Saint Bartholomew’s Episcopal Church features its annual "Arts at Bart’s" Camp! This summer ABC will present “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”, a play based on the Narnia stories by C.S. Lewis. The camp runs from August 17 to 21, with performances on August 22nd and 23rd. Children and youth, ages 3 to 12, will learn about the importance of forgiveness and courage. Proceeds will go to support St. Bart’s Big Heart Wellness Center, with its organic garden, food pantry, and social programs, to help those in need improve the quality of their lives. For more information, contact St Bart's on Enos Way.




#263 - Napa Pepperettes (Senior Group)
1st Place:
Majorette Corp/Drill Teams (Senior)
The Napa Pepperettes, under the direction of Kellie Esser, have been representing the Napa Valley in parades and performances throughout CA since 1951. Captain of the Senior Pepperettes is Jordan Hartman. Earlier this season this group won honors in parades in San Francisco and in Winters.



#264 - Napa Pepperettes ( Junior Group)
2nd Place:
Majorette Corp/Drill Teams (Junior)
"The Junior Pepperettes also include our ""rookie"" group. These marchers range in age from 5 to 13 years old. Earlier this season, this group also won honors in San Francisco and in Winters. This is the 1st year of competition for many of these girls.





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For electronic copies of your parade entry (all entries were photographed) visit my photo sharing site or contact webservant@elivermore.com
There is no charge.