eLivermore.com - By Bill Nale


Livermore Rodeo Parade 2015
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2015 Parade - Index to Entries (on 2015 Parade Page)
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All Photos by Bill Nale

Entries #210A through #215A

#210A - Morgan Laughlin, Miss Clements Jr. Stampede Queen
Morgan Laughlin, 2015 Miss Clements Jr. Stampede Queen Some of you might remember that Morgan was the Livermore Jr. Rodeo queen in 2013.
See also: Photos on the Before the Parade Page.

#210AA - A.D. Rucktishler, Little Miss Clements Buckaroo Rodeo Queen.
With Morgan is the Little Miss Clements Buckaroo Rodeo Queen, 10-year-old A.D. Ruckteschler, riding Cowboy,
See also: Photos on the Before the Parade Page.


#210C - Miss Rowell Ranch Pro Rodeo 2015 Morgan Nicodemus
Miss Rowell Ranch Rodeo for 2015 is Morgan Nicodemus. Morgan lives in San Luis Obispo, she likes to waterski, and she likes to watch Duck Dynasty on TV, too!
The Historic Rowell Ranch Rodeo is held every year in May. It's an exciting event, so watch for information about it next April.


#210B - Maci Hachmann, Miss Northern California Jr Rodeo Sr Queen 2015
See also: Photos on the Before the Parade Page.


The Boy Scouts are cleaning up after the horses


#211 - Alameda County Fair
A big HOWDY! To everyone from Alameda County Fair and COWBELLA, the Beautiful, Bovine Princess! The 2015 Alameda County Fair in Pleasanton opens next Wednesday, June 17th, and runs through Sunday, July 5th. There will be plenty of food and fun, plus a big 4th of July Fireworks Spectacular, so come on out and "Rock the Red, White and Blue"!





#212 - Christensen Middle School Cougar Marching Band
The Christensen Middle School Cougar Marching Band, under the musical direction of Mike Divita, is performing for the 17th consecutive year in the Livermore Rotary Rodeo Parade. Located in Springtown, the Christensen Cougar Marching Band has 60 students marching today, under the leadership of drum major Amanda Popelar. They will perform; “Advance March” by Harold Bennett arranged by Larry Clark.


#213 - Livermore Rotary Club President - Milly Seibel
Let's welcome Livermore Rotary Club president for this year, Milly Seibel, riding in a car restored and proudly driven by Ed Coats. The car has a custom paint job in the original "Pagoda green," by JR Romero of Tri-Valley Auto Body.
President Milly is joined by her husband, Don and a few of their grandchildren.
Milly has been active in the Livermore community since coming to town in 1983, volunteering with Granada Little League, Girl Scouts, and with the Tri-Valley Housing Opportunity Center. Currently she serves on the Board of Interfaith Housing; and on the Board of the Rotarian Foundation of Livermore.


#214 - Steve Neef and Dennis Gambs - Community Service Award Recipient
In this beautifully restored 1929 Model A Ford, owned and driven by retired Livermore veterinarian Marty Plone, are this year’s Community Service Award winners, Steve Neef with 8-yr-old daughter Jessica in the rumble seat and Dennis Gambs with his grandson, Henry.
These two Rotarians are working together to design and build the new community bandstand in Carnegie Park, with the help of many volunteers, of course, mostly Rotarians. By the end of summer the bandstand will be available as a music venue as well as for ceremonies and theatrical events. Funds for this project come from Rotary clubs and from businesses and members of the community. If you'd like to donate either materials or money, just let us know. This project is part of a long-range goal to revitalize Carnegie Park.


#215 - Directors of LARPD
Riding today are Directors of the Livermore Area Recreation and Park District: Chairman Bob Coomber, Beth Wilson and Maryalice Faltings.
LARPD is your park and recreation agency in the Livermore area. It operates all of the neighborhood parks, swimming pools and sports fields, as well as the Robert Livermore Community Center, ESS School Aged Childcare, Sycamore Grove Park, local trails, and the Robertson Park rodeo grounds. LARPD invites you and your family to take part in the fun summer activities that they've planned for you.



#215A - Alameda County Fire Truck with Scott Haggerty, County Supervisor
Here we have Alameda County Supervisor Scott Haggerty. Scott is Vice President of the Board of Supervisors, representing District 1. He represents Livermore, Dublin, a large part of Fremont, and Unincorporated East County.
Currently in his 5th term, Supervisor Haggerty continues to play an important role in 4H, the Agriculture Community, and land use planning issues. Scott, along with his family and staff, thank you all for your continued support and wishes you all a fun and safe weekend at this year's Livermore Rodeo.



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