eLivermore.com - By Bill Nale


Little League® Intermediate World Series
Images of fields for all 7 LL World Series

This is an Unofficial, but very informative website.  The Official LLIWS site can be found here

















LLIWS Statistics
and Info per Year

Player Stat Leaders
for All Years Page

Home Run lists
 for all years

Game Brackets
for all years

Chronological Game
for all years

Teams and their schedules
 / results
for all years

States / Countries

Umpires for all years

All Division World Series
Results since 2013

Photo Site
(separate site)


This web page contains Google Earth photos of the fields for all 7 Little League World Series.
All images are Copyright Google Earth

Name (link to photo below)

2024 Dates

World Series Location

Tournament Format


Little League® Baseball

August 14-25

South Williamsport, PA

Modified Double Elimination, 10US, 10Int

"Majors".  10-12 year olds.  60 foot bases, 225 foot outfield fence (GLL Majors fence is at 200 feet).  No playing off (cannot leave base until ball gets to plate)

Intermediate (50/70) Baseball

July 28 to Aug 4

Livermore, CA

Modified Double Elimination, 6US, 6Int

70 foot bases, 11-13 year olds.  Max Baer fence is at 259 feet.  Playing off is permitted.

Junior League Baseball

Aug 4-11

Taylor Mich.

Modified Double Elimination, 6US, 6Int

90 foot bases (like MLB) 13 to 14 year olds.  Fence is 280 to 310 feet on the World Series field.  Playing off is permitted.

Senior League Baseball

July 27 to Aug 3

Easley SC.

Modified Double Elimination, 6US, 6Int

90 foot bases (like MLB) 13 to 16 year olds.  Fence is 320 to 380 feet on the World Series field.  Playing off is permitted.






Little League® Softball

August 4-11

Greenville, NC

Modified Double Elimination, 8US, 4Int

10-12 year old girls.  60 foot bases. 200 foot outfield fence.

Junior League Softball

July 28 to Aug 3

Kirkland, Wash

Pool Play, 8 teams go to single Elim.  6US, 4Int

12-14 year old girls.  60 foot bases. 200 foot outfield fence.

Senior League Softball

July 29 to Aug 4

Lower Sussex, Del

Pool Play, 8 teams go to single Elim.  6US, 4Int

13-16 year old girls.  60 foot bases. 200 foot outfield fence.


All images are North at the top.


Little League Baseball World Series (LLBWS or LLWS)
617 E. Mountain Ave., South Williamsport, PA

Generally the US games are played at Lamade Stadium (pronounced Llama-Dee) and the International games are played at Volunteer stadium (upper stadium in the photo).
International Championship onward are all played at Lamade.
The outfield fence/wall is 225 feet from the plate, and about 4' high.
South Williamsport is the location of the Little League Headquarters
Players are 10-12 years old (mostly 12)
Lamade Stadium was built in 1959.  Volunteer Stadium was built in 2001.
They are the only World Series fields actually owned by Little League International.  The remainder are owned locally by Park Districts, etc.

Image Date: 5/10/2022    Image Copyright Google Earth

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Little League Intermediate World Series (LLIWS)
Max Baer Park (~SW corner of Livermore,  E of Murdell, N of Concannon)
Livermore, CA

All games are played on the field in the center of the photo, known as Max Baer 1 (MB1).
The outfield fence is 259 feet from the plate, and about 10' high.
Some years, teams arrange additional unofficial pick up games near the end of the tournament, which are played on MB2 (lower left corner of photo).
The fields on the right side are used for team practices.  They are the Granada Little League 60 foot fields (200 to the fence).
This is the home of Granada Little League, which is one of two Little Leagues in Livermore.
Players in the LLIWS are 11-13 years old (mostly 13)
Click here to see aerial photos taken from an airplane of the field during the 2013 World Series

Image Date:  4/2/2018  /  2/24/2021    Image Copyright Google Earth


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Little League Junior Baseball World Series JLBWS
Heritage Park, 12111 Pardee Road   Taylor, Michigan

All games are played at the field in the center of the photo.
The outfield fence is between 280 and 310 feet from the plate, and about 4' high.
Players are 13-14 years old (mostly 14)

Image Date:  7/14/2022    Image Copyright Google Earth

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Little League Senior Baseball World Series  (SLBWS)
J.B. Red Owens Sports Complex, 111 Walkers Way  Easley, SC

All games are played on the field in the center of the photo
The outfield fence is between 320 (down the lines) and 380 feet (center field), and about 6' high
Players are 13-16 years old (mostly 15 and 16)

Image Date:  3/13/2023    Image Copyright Google Earth

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Little League Softball World Series   (LLSWS)
Stallings Stadium    1055 S. Elm Street    Greenville, NC

All games played on the main field in the center of the photo.
The infield grass is removed for the World Series.  The field is also used for 60' baseball.
The outfield fence is 200 feet from home plate, and about 4' high.
Players are 10-12 years old (mostly 12)

Image Date:  10/19/2023    Image Copyright Google Earth

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Little League Junior Softball World Series (JLSWS)
Everest Park,  500 8th St.  S. Kirkland, WA

The field at the bottom of the photo is the primary field.
Games are also played on the field just above it.
The outfield fence is 200 feet from home plate, and about 4' high.
Players are 13-14 years old (mostly 14)

Image Date: 8/23/2022   (17 days after the World Series)    Image Copyright Google Earth

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Little League Senior Softball World Series (SLSWS)
Lower Sussex LL Complex   34476 Pyle Center Rd     Roxana, Deleware

The field on to the right with all of the flag poles is the primary field.
Games are also played on the field at the left.
The outfield fence is 200 feet from home plate, and about 5' high.
Players are 13-16 years old (mostly 15 and 16)

Image Date:  4/20/2023  This image Copyright Google and Airbus

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