eLivermore.com - By Bill Nale


Tri-Valley Murals
Livermore Firehouse Mural Dedication

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Pages 4-7 - Livermore Firehouse Mural Dedication

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See also: 
Fire trucks in the 2010 Livermore Rodeo Parade
Historical photos of this building

Dedication of "The Firefighters' Parade"
by Vera Gordeev Lowdermilk with Kean Adair Butterfield
on the wall of the old firehouse on First Street

The Ceremony


Economic Development Manager Catherine Hagebusch emcees the dedication

Len Alexander, representing the Livermore Commission for the Arts, which funded the mural.

Mayor Marshall Kamena reads the proclamation as city council members Jeff Williams and Marj Leider look on.

Mayor Kamena presents the proclamation to Vera Lowdermilk

Marshall Kamena, Vera Lowdermilk, Marj Leider, and Jeff Williams

Cher Wollard, Livermore's Poet Laureate reads her poem for the dedication.

Members of the Livermore Commission for the Arts
Len Alexander (chairman), Jean King, Sally Dunlop, and Kathy Streeter.

Juliette Goodrich signs copies of her book "The Little Light Shines Bright" about the Livermore Lightbulb.



The artists.


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