eLivermore.com - By Bill Nale


Moving the Refer car From the SP station

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On June 11, 2009, the refrigerator car attached to the Southern Pacific Depot in Livermore was moved to Salinas for their rail museum.
The depot itself will be moved to the east of the parking garage by the current railroad tracks some time in 2010.
The following are photos of the move

The deck is gone and it is ready to move.  6/10/09

Where the deck was... The loading dock was here.  Some of the railroad ties here appear to be from the original loading dock.



The rail car was welded to the track on all 8 wheels.
There is a piece of railroad spike welded to the track and wheel
and the wheel itself was welded to the track.

Another view of the welds

Using a cutting torch to remove the welded railroad spikes
The wheel to rail welds were loosened with a grinder.



Extending the track a bit to get it on the truck.

After the welds were removed, the car moved a bit backwards.  This photos shows the welds.

The truck trailer is in place and ready to go.

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