eLivermore.com - By Bill Nale


Western Heritage Celebration
Kickoff to Rodeo Week

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The Western Heritage Celebration is held the Saturday before Rodeo Weekend, and help kick off the Rodeo week.
Sponsored by Livermore Downtown Association, the event includes a band, Cowboy Poetry, plenty of food, and a variety of children's entertainment.
The photos below are from June 4, 2005.
See also photos of the 2005 Rodeo Parade

The band performs


Children's activities, including a bouncing ball horse.

Many years ago, during rodeo week, there was a jail cell on a cart.  Anyone caught not wearing western garb was put into the jail.  This is a recreation of that, with a jail cell from Santa Rita brought in.
In the left is one of the few photos of the eLivermore.com web site administrator on the site.
On the right is several of the Livermore Downtown Association staff in the jail cell, guarded by some of Livermore's finest.


A bit of Cowboy Poetry.


Learning to rope a steer.

A young man gets a lesson on roping

Giving it a try