eLivermore.com - By Bill Nale


Livermore Rodeo Parade 2014
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All Photos by Bill Nale

Entries 84 - 89

84 - Del Arroyo 4-H Club


Give a big hand for the Del Arroyo 4-H Club. They're a fun and exciting group of young kids who do everything under the sun. The Del Arroyo 4-H club is all about finding ways to; work, play, and grow with a purpose. They volunteer for many different causes around town. Come see what 4-H is all about. (4-H stands for Head, Heart, Hands, Health)




85 - Sunshine Dance & Cheer Studio
1st Place - Novelty Unit (Junior)

Sunshine Dance & Cheer Studio is the newest dance studio in Livermore. They offer fun and inspiring dance lessons for all dance levels from age 2 to adults. The instructors are passionate about the art of dance and enjoy providing an encouraging and loving environment to their students. Sunshine Dance & Cheer offers traditional dance styles such as ballet, tap, jazz, and hip hop along with fun styles including break dancing, folkloric, and cheerleading. Classes are available and Summer Dance Camps are accepting enrollment. Watch Sunshine Dance & Cheer dancers shine as they perform a preview of their upcoming recital.












86 - Livermore Valley Tennis Club
3rd Place - Commercial


This elegant, top of the line car is a cue that Livermore Valley Tennis Club is the Rolls Royce of family fitness clubs. They simply offer more – more family activities, more space, more variety, with 3 Pools, 2 Spas, 11 Tennis Courts, basketball, pilates, group exercise, racquetball, and soccer plus a wide variety of kids’ classes, camps, and teams. This 1982 Rolls Royce is driven by Deborah Shore, escorted by Army veteran Mariela Meylan. Walking behind are club members demonstrating some of the fun activities the Livermore Valley Tennis Club offers. Located at the corner of Arroyo Road and Concannon Boulevard. Check out their special offers at www.lvtc.com.


87 - Color Guard for Las Positas College Fire Service Technology
1st Place - Color Guard (Senior)


1) Now before you, we have the award winning Las Positas College Fire Service Technology honor Guard. They represent a complete vocational training program whose motto is “Training Tomorrow's Heroes Today." This Los Positas College-based program has been training professional career firefighters, volunteer firefighters, and EMT/paramedics in the Tri-Valley for the past 39 years. Hundreds of Las Positas Fire Service graduates are serving our nation in communities across America. The Las Positas College Honor Guard will now present the Colors. [Pause for Presentation of Colors, start again when flag returns upright]
2) Behind the color guard are the 28 members of the 24th Las Positas College "Wild land Firefighter Academy." This program provides students with direct career opportunities with the U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, and with Cal Fire as seasonal and fulltime Wild Land Firefighters.
3) The apparatus before you is the Las Positas College 85 foot Ladder Tower Fire Truck. Riding in the truck's basket is Dr. Jannett Jackson, Chancellor of Chabot, Las Positas Community College District, and Dr. Barry Russell, President of Las Positas College. All of these students are highly motivated, dedicated and professional, and we are proud to call them our "Heroes of the Future". The students are grateful for the opportunity to be in today's parade.






88 - Wheels (LvAmVyTrAth)


Making a rare public appearance is this refurbished 1966 Rideo bus from the Livermore-Amador Valley Transit Authority. Riding on board are Mayor Jerry Thorne of Pleasanton, Councilmember Karla Brown of Pleasanton and Livermore Amador Valley Transit Authority Staff Angie Perkins-Haslam. This bus is now owned by LAVTA, the people who operate the Wheels bus service. Alameda County Supervisor Scott Haggerty, who is also a Wheels Board member, played a major role in the renovation. It is with pleasure that Wheels presents the completely refurbished Rideo bus!

89 - Livermore/Pleasanton Fire Department.
1st Place - Contemporary Fire Engines


Closing out our parade today is our last entry, the BRT – our Big Red Truck! The Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department is driving Truck 96 from the East Avenue Fire Station. Riding onboard today is Fire Chief Jim Miguel. Chief Miguel has been with the department for 3 years. The cities of Livermore and Pleasanton consolidated their fire departments in 1996 to form the Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department. On behalf of Chief Miguel and the men and women of the Livermore-Pleasanton Fire Department, have a safe and enjoyable Rodeo Weekend!

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For electronic copies of your parade entry (all entries were photographed) contact webservant@elivermore.com
There is no charge.