65 - Livermore Fusion Soccer Club

Fusion Soccer Club! Livermore's #1 choice in youth Soccer. Your
largest local sports organization, serving 2,500 youth soccer players every year
since 1976.




66 - Venture Crew Youth Group #937

Welcome the Venture Crew #937 youth group, located here in
Livermore, sponsored by Peninsula Building Materials Company. Venture Crew 937
is a youth development program of the Boy Scouts of America for young men and
women age 14 through 20. Venture Crew's purpose is to provide positive
experiences to prepare young people as they become responsible adults. Venture
Crew is the way to go!

67 - Kayla Cardwell riding Whiskey
1st Place - Parade Horse (Open)

Please welcome "Gold Dust," two beautiful Fancy Parade Horses!
Kayla Cardwell is riding Whiskey, a bay quarter horse, and Lorene Landreth is
riding Buckaroo, a buckskin quarter horse. These ladies are official
representatives of Calaveras County community of West Point and the annual
Lumberjack Day Celebration, which is held the first Saturday in October. Horses
and riders are CSHA members and veteran paraders, traveling throughout
California. Thank you for coming to our parade. We can tell that you love a


68 - Hayley Green or her mule Gus.
2nd Place - Future Horse Man/Woman
Hayley Green is 8 years old riding Gus, a 13 year old mule. Gus
has been her best friend from the first moment they met. They have a truly
unique bond that is deeper than most. They have done everything together
including junior rodeo, parades, cattle sorting, napping, and even share snacks.
Whether they are lounging in the sun, competing somewhere, or on a nice trail
ride, they are happiest when they are together.




69 - Kailey Bourdeau riding Rusty
1st Place - Plain Western

Competing for the first time in our parade is 5-year- old Kailey
Bourdeau, riding her pony "Rusty." Kailey is the granddaughter of Joaquin and
Michele Leal of the Leal Ranch in Martinez.


70 - Bo Mann Natural Horsemanship |
Bo Mann Natural Horsemanship features Livermore's own Bo Mann.
This organization helps riders and horses of all ages improve their
relationships. Joining Bo today is "Lucky," a 3- month-old miniature horse foal
being raised by Bo. Read Lucky's story in this month's edition of The
Independent Magazine. As mascot for Region 5 Trail Trials, Lucky is joined by
Trail Trials horses and rider teams, winners of many State Trail Trials
Championships. Bo Mann Natural Horsemanship can be found on Facebook. Bo
welcomes new students and horses and her organization is located right here in


