eLivermore.com - By Bill Nale


Livermore Rodeo Parade 2014
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All Photos by Bill Nale

Entries 51 - 57

51 - Cooleykatz Toys


Here is the Cooleykatz Toys Wind-Up Toy Car, with owners Pat and Nita Cooley! Cooleykatz Toys was recently selected as “Best Toy Store in the East Bay” and were featured in the San Francisco Chronicle weekend section as a Bay Area destination to visit! Cooleykatz Toys is Livermore’s “oldschool” specialty and educational toy store, with games, books, puzzles, toys, and fun for all ages! And they're located right here on Second Street! Visit Cooleykatz Toys next Saturday, June 21st, to celebrate their 8th anniversary! Come dressed “Hawaiian” for free raffles, cake, and balloons, and receive 25% off your entire purchase!



52 - 1942 Classic U.S. Army Jeep


Please Welcome WW ll and Korean War veteran Ken Nather driving his 1942 GPW Jeep. Riding with him are his grandson Austin Evernham, and Mac McPeak. Mac served 20 years in the U.S Navy C. Bee’s. He was a blasting technician and Heavy Equipment Operator. Ken's dog, Staff Sargent Maggie, outranks Ken.



53 - Alameda County Fair


A very big howdy to everyone from Alameda County Fair -- and Cowbella, the Fair’s beautiful, bovine Princess! The 2014 Alameda County Fair in Pleasanton opens next Wednesday, June 18th and runs through July 6th. There will be plenty of food, fun, and a 4th of July Fireworks Spectacular, so come on out and “Taste the Red, White and Blue”!





54 - Livermore History Mobile LHG


Please welcome the first of 4 entries from the Livermore Heritage Guild. First is the History Mobile, educating residents and visitors about the history of our city. Docents talk about the beginnings of Livermore, even before it was a city, up to the present day. The History Mobile visits third grades in all Livermore public schools and appears at local events such as the Farmer’s Market, Ravenswood, parades, and festivals. The goal is to educate the community and instill a sense of pride in our heritage. Driving the History Mobile is Ed Rominger with passengers Sandra Grafrath, and Nancy Mulligan.



55 - 1919 Ford Model T Chemical Fire Truck
3rd Place - Antique Fire Engines


Next from the Livermore Heritage Guild is their 1919 Ford Model T Chemical Fire Truck, driven by Gary Bausch. This tiny vehicle was Livermore’s first motorized fire truck. The Chief of Livermore’s Volunteer Fire Department, who was a mechanic in a garage on 2nd St, built this on a Ford Model T frame. It was restored to operating condition by a small team of Heritage Guild volunteers led by Charles McFann.


56 - 1920 Seagrave Fire Truck with Mayor & City Council
1st Place - Antique Fire Engines


This is the1920 Seagrave fire engine, Livermore’s first commercially built fire engine, driven by Irv Stowers, with Will Bolton in the Captain’s seat. It was purchased shortly after the original St. Michael’s Church burned to the ground in 1916. Heritage Guild members restored the vehicle to like-new condition over 3-1/2 years. Donations are needed to help pay for continued maintenance and operation of this Seagrave fire engine. Also on the truck are Mayor John Marchand, Vice Mayor Bob Woerner, and Council Members: Doug Horner, Laureen Turner, and Stu Gary. Accompanying the Seagrave Fire Engine is another Livermore native, David “Stilts" Volponi. His family's Livermore roots date back to 1891. David took his first steps on stilts over 40 years ago. He puts a smile on faces wherever he goes.





57 - Livermore Heritage Guild's, 1944 Mack Fire Engine
2nd Place - Antique Fire Engines


Here we have a1944 Mack Fire Engine. Livermore’s 3rd commercial fire engine was formerly called Engine 22. It's been refurbished and is maintained by volunteers at the Duarte Garage on North L Street, where all three of the fire trucks are housed by the Heritage Guild. Heritage Guild President Jeff Kaskey is in the Engineer’s seat today. Bill Junk is in the Captain's seat and Bill's daughter Susan Junk is standing in the rear.


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For electronic copies of your parade entry (all entries were photographed) contact webservant@elivermore.com
There is no charge.