eLivermore.com - By Bill Nale


Livermore Rodeo Parade 2013
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The rodeo parade is on Saturday morning of "Rodeo Weekend", which is the second weekend of June.  It is held on 2nd Street.  These pictures are from June 8, 2013.
Over 1500 photos were taken.  If you would like the photos of your entry, please email webservant@elivermore.com.  There is no charge.
All Photos by Bill Nale

Entry 68

#68 - Shriners-on-Parade
3rd Place - Mounted Group
1st Place - Novelty Unit Senior



Aahmes Shrine Elective Divan (Dye Van).
These are the elected leaders for the Aahmes Shriners for this year. The Potentate this year is the illustrious Sir Jerry Journeay.

The Legion of Honor is a unit composed of veterans from World War II, The Korean Conflict, Viet Nam, the Gulf War, Somolia, and Rawanda Wars.
These gentlemen have served your country. The Legion of Honor is led by Commander Steve Rhodes.

Riding together here are the Novkeps and Temple Guard.
The Novkeps are a working unit that takes care of the novices that are about to become Shriners. Captain of the Novkeps for this year is Lloyd Garbutt.
The Shrine Temple Guard aids in promoting n the welfare and maintaining proper decorum of Aahmes shrines at home and abroad. President of the temple guard this year is Mark Finger

"The motorcycle patrol rides so a child may walk." This is the motto that indicates the purpose and dedication of the Aahmes motorcycle patrol.
President of this unit is Doc Bailey.

The Shrine Clowns!
The chief clown this year is Robert "BOBO" Huntley.
The Aahmes shrine clowns provide merriment to whoever they come in contact with. They work hard to support the 22 Shrine Hospitals across North America.
The Shrine Hospitals provide free medical care in the fields of orthopedics, burns, and spinal cord injuries for children under the age of 18.

The Past Masters were the leaders of their Masonic Lodges. They now act as a liaison between the Masons and the Shriners.
President of the Past Masters this year is Dennis Wallace.

The Shrine Mounted Patrol.
The members of the Aahmes shrine mounted patrol are riding matched Tobiano Paint Horses. Take special note of the silver saddles with green coronas.
The mounted patrol has been riding in parades, rodeos, and charity events for many years. This includes: the Rose Parade in Pasadena, The Grand Nationals at the Cow Palace, and at President Jimmy Carter's Inaugural Parade.
President of the mounted patrol this year is Tim Wilbur.













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Copyright 2013 eLivermore.com
For electronic copies of your parade entry (all entries were photographed) contact webservant@elivermore.com
There is no charge.