eLivermore.com - By Bill Nale


Livermore Rodeo Parade 2013
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2013 Parade - Index to Entries (on 2013 Parade Page)
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The rodeo parade is on Saturday morning of "Rodeo Weekend", which is the second weekend of June.  It is held on 2nd Street.  These pictures are from June 8, 2013.
Over 1500 photos were taken.  If you would like the photos of your entry, please email webservant@elivermore.com.  There is no charge.
All Photos by Bill Nale

Entries 40B-48

#40B - Mother Lode Round Up Queen - Loma Job


Here is Lorna Job, the 2013 Mother Lode Round-Up Queen!
Lorna is excited to be here in Livermore for the parade and rodeo, representing the Tuolumne County Sheriff's Posse from Sonora. The posse was founded in 1948, so they celebrated their 56th annual mother lode round-up this year.
Lorna hopes to see all of you at the biggest little rodeo, and Mother's Day parade in Sonora next year on Mother's Day weekend.
Today she is riding her buckskin mare named Lady who has been her best friend and closest companion as they have grown up together.
Lorna and Lady are proud to participate here in Livermore and preserve our western heritage for future generations.



#41 - Ashley and Audley, Rodeo Princesses
1st Place - Novelty Horse, Costume



Here we have three lovely rodeo princesses!
Ashley Belmessieri is riding her horse "Jackson", Ashley rides today for the “Reigns in Motion” foundation of Livermore.
The Reigns in Motion foundation’s mission is to enrich individuals with special needs and life-threatening illness by connecting them with horses, animals, and outdoor educational activities that promote healing and growth for daily living.
Ashley and her court of princesses, Audrey Belmessieri and Katy Canaan, invite you to the 2nd annual Tri-Valley Horse Faire on October 5 at Robertson Park.
Jackson’s tack is provided by Tacknique, and the girls' hair was styled by the La La La Salon.
The royal family would like to thank Grandma Melissa Fisher for their beautiful gowns.




#42 - Shelby Ohlhauser on her horse Weekend
1st Place - Local Western Junior



Here is Shelby Ohlhauser on her horse "Weekend."
Shelby is representing the Livermore/Pleasanton Elks Club. She is a 3rd generation Livermore resident. Her horse tack is sponsored by Tacknique.


#43 - Reins in Motion Foundation


The next entry is the "Reins-in-Motion" Foundation, located here in Livermore on Tesla Road, providing therapeutic riding programs for the special needs community.
In addition to their special needs programs, they also have a veterans program and an early intervention program for preschoolers.
Reins-in-Motion also supports the Taylor Family Foundation at Camp Arroyo. They bring their horses to the camps for children with life threatening and chronic illnesses.
Their mission at Reins-in-Motion is to enrich individuals with special needs and life-threatening illness by connecting them with horses, animals, and outdoor educational activities that promote healing and growth for daily living.



#44 - Calco Fence Company
3rd Place - Commercial Entry



Coming down the street is the entry for the Calco Fence Company.
They are a family-owned company based here in Livermore. The Calco Fence Company has been servicing the Bay Area and the Central Valley for nearly 30 years.
With extensive background in Commercial Chain Link, Ornamental Iron and Architectural Fencing they've become a successful multi-million dollar business enterprise.
No job is too small or too big for Calco Fence.


#45 - 3 Stooges Fan Club


Bet you know who this is!
Representing thousands of 3 Stooges fans all over the world, here is the local 3 Stooges Fan Club. Fans of all ages are welcome to join them.
Watch as 10 year old Jack Baird demonstrates the Curly Shuffle.



#46 - Tri-Valley Cares
3rd Place - Novelty Unit Senior



Our next group is Tri-Valley CARES.
The title of this year’s entry is, "Keep Nuclear Bomb Cores off Our Roads".
Their parade entry illustrates the dangers they see in transporting plutonium bomb cores from Los Alamos, New Mexico, to Livermore. See them after the parade if you'd like to sign their petition to prevent the transport of plutonium on our roads.
Livermore residents founded the organization 30 years ago. Happy 30th Anniversary!
They've participated in the Livermore Rotary Rodeo Parade nearly every year since 1983.
To learn more about Tri Valley CARES check out their website at trivalleycares.org



#47 - Livermore High School Cowboy Marching Band


Please welcome the award winning Livermore High School Cowboy Marching Band!
The band is led by Color guard Captain Ashely Fagundes, Drum Captain Alan Schellenberger, and Senior Drum Major Lynn Tran. Lynn is also the Livermore High Interact co-president this year. Yea Lynn!
We thank all members of the Livermore High School Cowboy Band for coming out and performing for us today.
They are playing "Parade of the Champions" by Paul V. Yoder.




#48 - Wienerschnitzel's of Livermore



Getting hungry? Ever since Wienerschnitzel started in 1961, they have been giving families great food and great deals.
Now, 52 years later, they've noticed your kids have all grown up, and have families of their own.
To say thank you, they're offering three delicious family combos for only $9.99 each. All your family’s favorites just $9.99. Stop by today with your kids and your grandkids!
Wienerschnitzel is here in Livermore, just a couple blocks away at 3rd and South Livermore Avenue. Meet there after the parade!


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Copyright 2013 eLivermore.com
For electronic copies of your parade entry (all entries were photographed) contact webservant@elivermore.com
There is no charge.