eLivermore.com - By Bill Nale


Livermore Rodeo Parade 2013
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2013 Parade - Index to Entries (on 2013 Parade Page)
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The rodeo parade is on Saturday morning of "Rodeo Weekend", which is the second weekend of June.  It is held on 2nd Street.  These pictures are from June 8, 2013.
Over 1500 photos were taken.  If you would like the photos of your entry, please email webservant@elivermore.com.  There is no charge.
All Photos by Bill Nale

Entries 35A-40

#35 - Isings Culligan Water


And here's our generous donor who helped the U.S. Cavalry Horse Detachment get here. Thank You!
Ising’s Culligan has been locally owned and operated out of Livermore for over 66 years. Ising’s Culligan provides water softeners, drinking water systems, bottle water service, commercial systems and problem water treatment. With excellent service and products, plus a knowledgeable staff, Ising’s Culligan is always ready to serve you.
Give them a call at; 1-800-20 Water, or just say "Hey Culligan Man!"



#36 - Mendenhall Middle School Mustang Marching Band

Here comes the Mendenhall Middle School Mustang Marching Band!
They are proud to represent Mendenhall Middle school and the Mendenhall community in this year’s parade.
Under the Direction of Mr. Randy Watson and with Drum Major Andrea Sommer, this 52-member marching unit will perform "The Pride of America".




#37 - Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District


Next up is the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District’s “BUILDING CHARACTER, BUILDING COMMUNITY” float, featuring our Board of Education. There's Board President Bill Dunlop, and Board Trustees Tom McLaughlin, Chuck Rogge, Kate Runyon and Anne White. With them is Superintendent of Schools Kelly Bowers, Assistant Superintendents Cindy Alba and Chris Van Schaack, and Chief Business Official Susan Kinder. Others on the float are other members of Senior Cabinet.
The School Board, Superintendent, and senior staff members want to demonstrate that they are "hard at work," building character, and building community in the City of Livermore.
We all know that whether in the classroom, on the playground, in the field, or in the workforce, Character Counts!




#38 - The Livermore Valley Education Foundation


Following right behind and supporting our Livermore Schools is the Livermore Valley Education Foundation.
The foundation began in 1991 and since then has raised over 3.6 million dollars to support students in the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District. The all-volunteer staff works closely with the district and our community to help enhance and restore critical school programs, keeping their focus on the three A's of education, Arts, Athletics and Academics.
Some of the programs the LVEF has supported include Science Odyssey Competitions, Math Counts Competitions, Teacher mini-grants, school libraries and computer labs, class size reduction, athletics programs, student scholarships, and visual and performing arts programs.
In addition, the LVEF has sponsored the Make Time for Music Concerts, the American Swim Academy Walk-4-Education, and the Reach for the Stars events.


#39 - Visiting Angels, Senior Home Care

Our next entry features “Visiting Angels” Senior Home Care, located here in Livermore.
Rotarian Keith Beck is driving this lovingly restored 1966 Ford Stepside pick-up truck in honor of his father, who used it on his Texas ranch. Keith has been restoring this cherished truck for the last several years and has nicknamed it the "Angel Transporter" for the Visiting Angels agency which assists seniors and the elderly with in-home care.
If you're interested in the Visiting Angels services, contact Keith after the parade.


#40 - St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church


Please welcome the members of St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church.
St Bart’s has been serving the Livermore/Pleasanton area for nearly 60 years. All are welcome to worship with them every Sunday at 10:30 am at their church at 678 Enos Way in Livermore.
This summer join them at their Vacation Bible School July 8 to 12 from 1pm to 4pm at the church on Enos Way. This year's VBS theme is "It takes an Ark," all about Noah and the great flood. Children will participate in activities related to the Bible story as well as help prepare for the “Noah's Flood Opera” (By Noye's Fludde), which will be performed on July 13th at St. Bartholomew’s and on July 14th at St. Clare's in Pleasanton.



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Copyright 2013 eLivermore.com
For electronic copies of your parade entry (all entries were photographed) contact webservant@elivermore.com
There is no charge.