eLivermore.com - By Bill Nale


Livermore Rodeo Parade 2013
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2013 Parade - Index to Entries (on 2013 Parade Page)
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The rodeo parade is on Saturday morning of "Rodeo Weekend", which is the second weekend of June.  It is held on 2nd Street.  These pictures are from June 8, 2013.
Over 1500 photos were taken.  If you would like the photos of your entry, please email webservant@elivermore.com.  There is no charge.
All Photos by Bill Nale

Entries 28-34

#28 - Desiree Uzzell on her horse "Candy"
1st Place - Fancy Dress Western



Coming up next we have Desiree Uzzell on her horse, Candy. Candy is a registered paint mare and loves to show off in parades.
Nice to have you here, Desiree – and Candy, too.



#29 - Trish Selsor on her mule "Miss Ellie"
1st Place - Plain Western



Next we have Trish Selsor on her mule "Miss Ellie.” If you're a gamblin' sort, you might have placed a bet on Miss Ellie in years past. She's a retired racing mule.


#30 - Cactus Corners Youth Square Dancers
1st Place - Amateur Float



Three Cheers for the red, white and blue!
The Cactus Corners Youth Square Dancers present a slice of our country's history. In case you didn't know it, square dancing is the official American folk dance. From the settlers crossing the plains, to 4th of July celebrations in town squares nationwide, to modern-day hoedowns right here in Livermore, square dancing is an American tradition.
These young people are from all over the Bay Area, ranging in age from 7 to 19 years old.
Their caller and instructor is Ed Kuidis.






#31 - 1942 Classic U.S. Army Jeep


This next vehicle is a 1942 U.S. Army Jeep. The Jeep has been fully restored to its original configuration. It is outfitted with a Browning 30 Caliber Machine Gun and a 3.5 inch rocket Launcher.
Driving the Jeep is Ken Nather, an Army veteran of WWII and Korea.
Riding with Ken are two US military veterans, Bill Wylie, who served on a Nike ground-to-air missile crew, and Father Leo Arrowsmith, who served as a member of the 511th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 11th Airborne Division. He performed a combat jump on Tagaytay Ridge in the Philippines during WWII.
Also in the Jeep is Ken’s 13 year old grandson, Austin Evernham, as their Machine Gunner.


#32 - Livermore Veterans Foundation


Give a big hand to the Valley Veterans Foundation!
They're a non-profit organization with a mission to help veterans get whatever they need as they re-establish their lives once they return from duty.
This year's focus is to actively support our veterans in their education by working with Las Positas College and the Veterans First program.
Livermore Military Families is a vital group that provides support for the families of those deployed, through monthly Support Group meetings.
The Warrior Riders provide honor guards to show respect for fallen heroes and their families. They also provide rousing Welcome Home escorts to honor our returning military.
This active group wants all military personnel to know they are backing them by providing recognition, support, and prayers for their safe return. Please know that we have your back!
And to all our veterans, thank you, from the bottom of our hearts!



#33 - 1944 WWII GPW Jeep
2nd Place - Antique Vehicles



Here we have David Miller and his 1944 WWII GPW Ford Jeep.
Roughly 640,000 of these Jeeps were manufactured by Ford Motor Company and Willys-Overland Company during the war.
What makes this vehicle different from the other Jeeps of its vintage is that it was used extensively in the 20th Century Fox television series M.A.S.H. It also had roles in "Patton" and "Tora! Tora! Tora!".
Today David would like to make a special salute to the Korean War veterans who live in and around the city of Livermore.


#34 - American Cancer Society, Relay for Life-Livermore


Please welcome the Relay for Life entry for the American Cancer Society.
Relay for Life events are the signature fundraisers for the American Cancer Society. Each year, more than 4 million people in over 20 countries raise much needed funds and awareness to save lives from cancer through the Relay for Life movement.
Last year, the Livermore Relay was #13 out of more than 500 California Relays that raised over $233,000! Now in their 12th year, they have raised over $2 million for our community in the fight against cancer.
Their next event is a 24-hour relay starting on Saturday, June 22nd at Livermore High School. The Opening Ceremony starts at 9:00am with the event ending on Sunday at 9:00am. Come on down to cheer them.




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For electronic copies of your parade entry (all entries were photographed) contact webservant@elivermore.com
There is no charge.