The rodeo parade is on Saturday morning of "Rodeo Weekend",
which is the second weekend of June. It is held on 2nd Street. These
pictures are from June 9, 2012.
Over 1500 photos were taken. If you would like the
photos of your entry, please email There is no charge.
All Photos by Bill Nale

#51 - Cactus Corners Youth Square Dancers

Three Cheers for the red, white and blue! The Cactus Corners Youth Square
Dancers present a slice of our history. Square Dancing - the American folk
dance. From the settlers crossing the plains, to 4th of July celebrations in
town squares, to modern-day hoedowns, square dancing is an American tradition.
These dancers are youth from all over the bay area from age 7 to 19 years old.
Their caller and instructor is Ed Kuidis.

#52 - St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church

The St. Bartholomew's Episcopal Church has been serving the Livermore/Pleasanton
area for nearly 60 years. All are welcome to worship with them every Sunday at
10:30 am at the church at 678 Enos Way in Livermore.


#53 - Cresta Blanca Service unit of the Girl Scouts of America

Celebrating the 100 year anniversary of Girl Scouting, we present the Cresta
Blanca Service unit 302 of the Girl Scouts of America. This is the service unit
for all Livermore Girl Scouts. This is a group of dedicated Girl Scout
volunteers, leaders and parents, in the Livermore CA area making Girl Scouting
THE greatest experience that it can be for girls in grades k through 12.



#54 - American Cancer Society, Relay for Life-Livermore

The American Cancer Society's Relay for life celebrates the lives of those who
have battled cancer. It remembers those lost, and empowers individuals to fight
back against the disease. This family-oriented team event brings participants
from all parts of the community together in a "Celebration of Life". There is
still time to participate. Livermore’s relay is June 23-24, 2012. For more
information go to

#55 - Mendenhall Middle School Mustang Marching Band
Our next group is the Mendenhall Middle School Mustang Marching Band. They are
proud to represent their school and community in this year’s parade. Under the
Direction of Mr. Randy Watson, with Drum Major Brittany Nortman, this 54 member
marching unit will perform "The Brandenburg Gate March". On behalf of all the
students and staff of Mendenhall School we invite you to sit back and enjoy
today’s performance!




#56 - Color Guard for Las Positas College Fire Service Technology

Here we have the award winning Las Positas College Fire Service Technology Color
Guard. The Fire Service program is a complete vocational training program that
"Trains Tomorrows Heroes Today". This Los Positas College-based program has been
training professional career and volunteer firefighters in the tri-valley for
over thirty years. Hundreds of Las Positas Fire Service graduates are serving
our nation in communities across America. Behind the color guard are the 45
members of the 18th Las Positas College Wildland Firefighter Academy. This
program provides students with direct career opportunities with the U.S. Forest
Service, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, and with seasonal and
full-time Wildland Firefighters. They are followed by an 85 foot Ladder Tower
Fire Truck and students dressed in full structure firefighting gear. They also
brought their 1,000 gallon per-minute pumper truck, and a light
Rescue-Ambulance. The Las Positas Emergency Medical Technician Training Program
and Paramedic Training Program are ranked as one of the strongest programs in
California. All of these students are highly motivated, dedicated and
professionals and we are proud to call them our "Heroes of the Future". The
students are grateful for the opportunity to be in today's parade.







#57 - Alameda County Fire Truck/ Scott Haggerty, County Supervisor
And now, here we have Alameda County Supervisor Scott Haggerty. Supervisor
Haggerty represents District 1, which encompasses Livermore, Pleasanton,
Fremont, parts of Dublin and Sunol as well as unincorporated East County. Scott
will soon be serving his fifth term. Scott was a Livermore Stockman Rodeo
Association Team Penning Champion for 2000 and 2002. Scott and his family and
staff would like to wish you a fun and safe weekend at the Livermore Rodeo.
