eLivermore.com - By Bill Nale


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To contact me with Comments, Suggestions, Calendar Additions, Link Requests, Photo Requests, etc:
email webservant@elivermore.com

eLivermore.com is administered by Bill Nale

Guest Book

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Please sign our guest book and provide any comments, suggestions, additions, or corrections.
The Guestbook is now email based, as the guest book program has been heavily spammed.

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Guest book entries are screened for appropriateness.  Advertisements will not be posted.

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You may also contact us by emailing webservant@elivermore.com

This Guestbook was added July 5, 2004.

General Information

eLivermore.com / ePleasanton.org provide community information and links for Livermore, Pleasanton, and the Tri-Valley area, including recent and historical photos, links to local businesses, organizations, and government, a Community Calendar, a list of Things to Do, lists of restaurant and churches, and much more.  The site has been serving the Tri-Valley area since around November 1999.

eLivermore.com and ePleasanton.org are a community service by Bill Nale, a 38 year resident of the Tri-Valley, the last 36 years in Livermore.

Send all correspondence about this site to  webservant@elivermore.com.

Contents of this site

Most of the contents a of this site was gathered through researching the specific categories.  Many links were also obtained by correspondence from visitors to the site.  We welcome all suggestions, corrections, and input.

The site has grown in content over time.  New categories are added when the content has been sufficiently researched as to make the category useful.  Please feel free to suggest a site for which there is currently no category, however.

The areas covered include Livermore, Pleasanton, Dublin, and San Ramon.  Danville and Blackhawk are also included in many sections, including the business, restaurant, and church listings.

The contents of eLivermore.com, ePleasanton.org, eDublin.org, and eSanRamon.com are all identical.


eLivermore.com does not collect any information from visitors or set any cookies.

eLivermore.com  includes links that are of general interest to Livermore and Tri-Valley residents.  These may be commercial or non-commercial organizations.  Inclusion of a link on these web sites does not imply endorsement.

No paid advertising is included and no payments are accepted for inclusion of links.  Reciprocal links are appreciated, but not required.

Suggestions for links or information for any portion of these web sites are accepted at the email addresses above.

These policies apply only to eLivermore.com and the additional domains listed below.  Any site linked to from these sites will have their own policies.

Other domains which forward into this site and share its policies are:
         ePleasanton.org, eDublin.org, eSanRamon.com, crestablanca.org, livermoreflag.com,
         livermoreflagpole.com, nilescanyon.org, rubyhill.org, rodeoparade.com, altamontpass.com
         bankhead-theater.com, bankheadtheater.com, bankheadtheater.org, bankheadtheatre.com
         blacksmithsquare.com, ravenswoodtheater.com; ravenswoodtheater.org, rubyhill.org.

Photographs on this site

The photos on this web site fall into several categories

Photos taken for eLivermore.com
This is the majority of the photos.  Most were taken by Bill Nale, who is the webservant of this site.  If you would like to use any of these photos, please email webservant@elivermore.com.  Permission will be determined by the content of the photos and how they will be used.

    Generic scenery photos for non-commercial use will generally be granted without cost.

    Photos of performance events or of well known people will generally not be granted without the consent of the sponsoring organization or person.  Examples include performances at the Bankhead Theater.

    Anything in between?  Ask.
    When in doubt?  Ask.

The photos that appear on the web site are of lower resolution than the originals in order to reduce download times.  Higher quality photos can be provided if necessary.  I also have thousands of additional photos.

Photos from other sources which eLivermore.com has been given permission to use.
We cannot give permission to others to use these photos but will refer to the source.
This includes most of the historical photos.

Photos for which the source is unknown.
We cannot give permission to others to use these photos, as the source is unknown.


When did eLivermore.com get started?

Why do you not have local news, discussion boards, etc.?

Who runs eLivermore.com?

How do items get on the calendar?

Is this site run by the city of Livermore?  (no)

How can I submit something for the calendar?

What is the purpose of eLivermore.com?

Why do external links open a new browser window?

How is eLivermore.com funded?

How many hits do you get per day?

Can I advertise on eLivermore.com?  (no)

How do people find eLivermore.com?

What pages are the most popular?

Do you use pop-ups or pop-unders?  (no)

Why are some business types listed but not others?

Why do you use the address "webservant" instead of the more common "webmaster".

Where does the information come from?

What information is collected from visitors?

Why is there more Livermore information and photos vs. other Tri-Valley cities?

What does the Unit Conversions Spreadsheet have to do with Livermore or the Tri-Valley.

What web addresses are used by this site?

How many gallons are there in a cubic foot?

Where do the photos come from?

I click on a link and get a Page Not Found error.

Can I use a photo from the site?

Have people really asked all of these questions?

Why are there not photos of XYZ site on eLivermore.com?



When did eLivermore.com get started?
I registered the domain on March 26, 2000.  The initial content, however, first appeared around November 1999 as the "Community Links" section of another site.  I had looked around for local information and links on the internet, and found only scattered information.  I decided to create a Community Links section to fill that need.  At first I added several general links and a local church listing, and slowly began to build up content from there.  After several months I decided to add an additional path into this site that would be more easily remembered, and useful to the community.  eLivermore.com was registered, and forwarded into the Community Links home page within another site.

As time went on many photos were added of local sites and events, including historical sites.  Before adding the historical photos, the site was split off onto its own domain hosting.  This occurred on April 1, 2003.  This provided several advantages, one of which is that search engines will list the content address as eLivermore.com rather than a subsection of another site, and pages within the site can be more easily bookmarked.

Who runs eLivermore.com?
The site is administered by Bill Nale, a 38 year resident of the Tri-Valley, the last 36 years in Livermore.

Is this site run by the city of Livermore?
No.  eLivermore.com is not connected in any way to the City of Livermore.  The city web site is at: http://www.ci.livermore.ca.us/

What is the purpose of eLivermore.com?
The purpose is to provide residents and visitors with one place to go to find information about Livermore and the Tri-Valley.  This includes providing information directly, and linking to additional sources of information, local organizations, and local businesses.  When information is available on other sites, a link is provided.  The information is provided directly when it does not exist elsewhere online, or when reformatting or gathering information from several sources makes the information much more useable.  An example of the latter is the school calendar, where the school calendars from 4 different school districts are gathered into one easy to read table.  There are also links to the published school calendars on their web sites.  This site also provides information on recent history my retaining the older event calendars, and photos of events.

How is eLivermore.com funded?
It isn't.  The only real monetary cost is the web hosting service, and that is small compared to the effort it takes to build and maintain the site.

Can I advertise on eLivermore.com?
No.  eLivermore.com does not accept advertising.  We do link to local businesses, however.  If you are not already listed, please contact us with the information.  New categories will be added as appropriate.

What pages are the most popular?
Popular sections are the calendars, restaurant guides, local photos, historical photos, recreation related businesses, church listing, and the things to do page.

The calendar pages get a lot of hits near a major event such as the rodeo.

Why are some business types listed but not others?
New categories are generally added when I have time to research them adequately.  An empty or nearly empty category is not very useful.
Categories are added based on what I feel would be useful to site visitors.  Categories where a lot of businesses have local web sites are the most useful. If I can't add any value over what the yellow pages would offer, there is no reason for it to be here.

The restaurant guide is the most active business section on the site.  The Recreation Businesses page, which contains links to a variety of recreation related businesses, comes in second, with the church list third.

Most of the business listings are from my own research.  Some are sent in as requests, which are always appreciated.

Where does the information come from?
The vast majority of the information and links on this site are from my own research, most of it on the internet.  Additional information and links are sent in by users of the site.  They are always greatly appreciated.

Why is there more Livermore information and photos vs. other Tri-Valley cities?
I live in Livermore.  Much of the information, such as business listings and organizations, are equally covered for all parts of the Tri-Valley.  The photos and history tend to be more Livermore centric, although there are a reasonable amount of Pleasanton photos also.

What web addresses are used by this site?
www.eLivermore.com is the primary address, and is the domain that is directly hosted.  Additional domain names either forward directly to the eLivermore.com home page, or pages within the site.

The following addresses forward into eLivermore.com, and have identical content:

The following addresses forward to pages within eLivermore.com:

Domain Forwards to: Purpose
www.crestablanca.org Cresta Blanca Winery Historic photos page. Provide information on the old Cresta Blanca winery.  Additional information will be added soon.
Historical photos of the Livermore Flagpole The 100th anniversary of the flagpole is coming up.  I already have a lot of flagpole information on the site, and more will be added.
www.nilescanyon.org Niles Canyon Railway page. Provide information and photos about Niles Canyon
www.rubyhill.org Ruby Hill Winery Photos Provide information and photos about the Ruby Hill Winery.
www.rodeoparade.com Rodeo Parade page Provide information on the Livermore Rodeo Parade
www.altamontpass.com Altamont Pass main page Provide information on the Altamont Pass
Bankhead Theater main page
Ravenswood Theater was the placeholder name.
Provide information on the Bankhead Theater including construction photos and performance photos.
blacksmithsquare.com Blacksmith Square main page Provide information on Blacksmith Square, including tenants, and construction photos

A domain forwarding service is used to direct all requests from the additional domains into eLivermore.com.


Where do the photos come from?
The vast majority of the color photos were taken by me (Bill Nale).  A few were taken by my 11 year old son, Weston.  Most of the Historical Photos are from the Livermore Heritage Guild, and are so marked.  I scanned those photos for the Guild, and have permission to place them on eLivermore.com.

Can I use a photo from the site?
See our Photo Policy.  In general if it is my photo, yes, but please ask.

Why are there not photos of XYZ site on eLivermore.com?
A.  I don't know about it.  B.  I haven't gotten to it yet.
Photos are continually added.  All suggestions are welcome.

Why do you not have local news, discussion boards, etc.?
That has not been the direction that I have chosen to go with the site.  Local news is already provided on the web by sites that are linked to from eLivermore.com.  Discussion groups can open a can of worms, and in this context are often dominated by a few people.  Local web "polls" have been known to be wildly inaccurate, and therefore not very useful.

How do items get on the calendar?
Most items get there from my own research.  I look at online calendars for the local cities, the fairgrounds, and various organizations.  Visitors to the site also contribute entries.

How can I submit something for the calendar?
Email webservant@elivermore.com.

Why do external links open a new browser window?
In general external links open a new browser window.  This allows you to easily get back to the eLivermore.com page that you were on, without having to hit the BACK button multiple times.  It also allows you to have multiple browsers open to compare multiple links from eLivermore.com.  To return to eLivermore.com after you are finished looking at a site that was linked, just close the other browser window.

eLivermore.com itself should only show up in one browser window, but I occasionally make a mistake in coding which opens a new browser when jumping within the site.  Let me know if you find one.  I'll fix it.

How many hits do you get per day?
Page views per day averages over 1000, and this has been increasing lately.  The home page gets 50 to 100 page views per day (this is different than "hits" which is often an extremely inflated number).  Much of the traffic comes from search engines, and does not go through the home page, but goes directly to the content pages.  The individual restaurant pages (one per city plus a combined page) add up to more than the home page total, and far more then the only page that links to them, so most of the hits to these are from either search engines or bookmarks.

"Hits" is probably several thousand a day, but that is a misleading spec.  One page view can cause many "hits" as it reads in images and textures, each of which counts as a hit.

I try to keep the structure and file names on the site fairly constant so that search engines, bookmarks, and deep links from other sites do not become stale.

How do people find eLivermore.com?
Internet searches on Google, Yahoo, and other search engines generate a large portion of the traffic.  This is especially true of the Restaurant pages and Calendar.

Word of mouth has let a lot of people know about the site.  We have been in the Rodeo Parade in 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011 (missed 2006 due to being out of town).  We gave away Livermore Postcards at the 2003 rodeo parade.  Click here to see the postcard and find out how to get free copies.

Do you use pop-ups or pop-unders?
No.  Some sites which are linked to from eLivermore.com do produce pop-ups or pop-unders, such as the weather link.  We have no control over what external sites do.  eLivermore.com only generates a new window when you click on a link to an external site. 

Why do you use the address "webservant" instead of the more common "webmaster".
I don't like the term "webmaster".  I never have.  I think "webservant" better describes the task.

What information is collected from visitors?
Generally, none.  No cookies are set.  The web logs and site statistics collected by the service provider are used to determine general trends.

What does the Unit Conversions Spreadsheet have to do with Livermore or the Tri-Valley.
Nothing.  It works just as well in Fresno.  I started creating this for myself and got carried away.  It is actually the 2nd most popular page on the site after the home page.  This is due to the fact that people all over the world use unit conversions, and while this page gets only a very small fraction of these, it still amounts to a lot.

How many gallons are there in a cubic foot?
About 7.5.  See the conversion spreadsheet for a much more accurate number.

I click on a link and get a Page Not Found error.
Links from eLivermore.com go stale when another site changes it's web address, or rearranges its web site.  These are difficult to keep up with.  This is a common problem on the internet.  If you find a stale link, please email webservant@eLivermore.com

Have people really asked all of these questions?
Well, no.  It's really a "Questions that I thought others might ponder" list.  Maybe it is "Questions for which I already have answers" list.  Hopefully it doesn't come off sounding like a "Only the Questions our Marketing department wants you to ask" list that shows up on so many corporate sites.